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//guess who got motivation and threw writers block at my friend >:) 


Entry 5

anyways, i got home late yesterday, so i couldn't write in you. i'm in study hall, but i'm in a form of flight class with a few of the other avian students.

mr. wels is teaching this class. he's currently working with a kid who has their wings just coming in. he's some blonde kid. i'm pretty sure his brother is in our grade. tommy i think is his name? the kid's, of course. the brother's is wilbur? or is it techno? its one of the two. both of them are a year apart, wilbur is the younger one i think though.

well, i'm surprises the kid's here. his dad's an avian. (i know because phil's my mom's friend.)

wait, this is required isn't it? they probably want us to learn how to fly before we graduate.

oh wait, it's my turn.

bye journal. for now <3

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