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hello journal!

guess what!

i think jimmy and i are going on a date.

i tink it's' supposed to be a friend date,






he invited me to the pizza place near his house.

if this isn't the perfect date with the smoker boy i fell in love with, then i don't know what is.

and journal.

guess what. xorn's stopped ignoring me and he told me to get him flowers, and i had him ask lizzie about his favourite flowers.

turns out he likes poppies and sunflowers.

but we only have poppies at the flower shop, so i got them!

i have a feeling i'm going to spend all of my money on flowers for this man. (i fonud out about our shared love of flowers yesterday. [when he asked me out] so i hope he likes these)

well, i'm gonna go now! the dates tonight :D

//next chapter is out of the journal!\\ 

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