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//how does one write a kiss scene? because I clearly don't know how :/  

also the majority of this was written when i was running off of an hour of sleep, 24 hours beforehand.  also 700+ words. \\

(3rd Person)

scott had boarded to the pizza shop and was waiting for jimmy, holding the bouquet of poppies. he was blushing softly, as he watched jimmy's car pull into the parking lot. the blonde took a moment before getting out of the car, as he left the car with his own bouquet of flowers.

he rushed towards scott, running in front of a car just driving into the parking lot. but, as he ran, he dropped the flowers he was carrying. he turned to see if they could be salvaged, but the car had run them over and destroyed them. It took him a moment to realize that the flowers were gone, but when he did, his mood dropped and he walked over to scott.

"sorry about the flowers-" he murmured,

scott chuckled. "it's fine! i actually have some for you."

the bluet handed him the poppy bouquet, only to be handed it straight back.

"excuse me, it's for you-"

"nope! i'm giving it back to you."

"take it."




"fine." jimmy sighed. "but i get to drive you home."

scott nodded in agreement, and the two went inside.

once they were seated and they each had a slice of pizza, scott with vegetable lovers, and jimmy with hawaiian. (thanks to my friend Isa for the kinds of pizza used here!)

"i don't understand why you like that-" scott murmured, talking about the pineapple on jimmy's pizza.

"it tastes good! have you ever had it?"


"then try some!" jimmy offered some of his pizza, and scott sighed before taking it.

"fine, but i probably won't like it." he added, before taking a bite.

"it's good right?"

scott took a moment before nodding. "yeah. it is- i wasn't expecting that"

jimmy smiled proudly, grabbed one of scott's and took a bite.

"anyways, i was wondering if you could explain the notebook you carry everywhere. the blue one? you don't have it right now clearly, but y'know?" jimmy spook through a mouthful of pizza.

the bluet nodded again, and spoke. "it's my journal. i think you've had it before, right?"

"mhm! I know it's your journal too, i just want a more in-depth idea of it."

"it's basically where i have a gay panic in writing form."

"i- okay."

the two finished eating, making small talk throughout. afterwards, they paid[equally!] and then went out to get into jimmy's car. of course, it was only still around 6-7, and jimmy wasn't done with what he had planned.

he slowly pulled out of the parking lot, before driving towards the main road and done said road for a few hours. during this time the two of them were speaking about killing god like the gays they are, as well as taming cryptids, yet again, like the gays they are.

"but mothman is better." jimmy added, glancing at scott for a moment.

"the thing is, bear dogs are cute."

jimmy scoffed, before parking in a small lot below a hill. the two left the car, and jimmy basically dragged scott up the hill.

"perfect timing!"

"what-?" scott was confused, but he went along with what jimmy was doing.

eventually the two came to sit at the top of the hill, under a willow tree.

"just wait a moment."

suddenly, the sky got slightly darker, and the stars came out.

"this only happens here." jimmy explained, grabbing scott's hand.

scott nodded, as jimmy wrapped an arm around his shoulder, and their heads leaned together, just barely touching each other.

the two sat there in happy silence, as the stars slowly became more visible.

"hey, scott?" jimmy whispered, moving just enough to face the bluet.


"thanks for coming to this date."

"it's no problem jimmy."

jimmy smiled at scott reply and pulled him into a hug, and the two sat there in silence again.

suddenly, jimmy pulled away from the hug, and went slightly red, before taking a moment to calm his nerves. "scott, can i, er- kiss you-?"

scott went red, though he slowly nodded, and jimmy leaned forward and pressed his lips to scott's. to them the kiss seemed to last for an eternity, though in reality it lasted a moment.

jimmy pulled away, leaving a very flustered, and pink-ish blue scott.

he smiled softly, before turning towards the now setting sun, and scott laid his head on jimmy's shoulder. 

Smoke Rings and an Ollie ||| Flower HusbandsOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora