Economics and Mr. Ri (14)

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A/N: Happy Chinese New Year! Another update for you guys which I hope you will like. We're almost done with this story (next post will be the last chapter). Thanks everyone who patiently waited for updates. =) Have a fantastic day everyone!


Yoon Jisoo arrived a few minutes before her Economics class started. Taking a seat beside her best friend, she greeted Lisa and whispered, "I have news!"

"What? What?" 

Jisoo leaned in so that no one else would hear them. "I have a boyfriend now."

"What? Who? How could you keep this from me? You've been dating this whole time? WHOOOO?" Lisa complained.

Jisoo chuckled. "Well, we started off as fake dating..."

"OH. MY. NOOOOO. That cute aide of Professor Ri?!" Lisa asked, the clues dawning in on her. She knew of the fake dating scheme to get Jisoo's sister and Mr. Ri back together. Additionally, a number of times when she couldn't get a hold of Jisoo on the phone, her best friend instincts told her there was more going on with Song Hae In but she didn't want to intrude so she just let Jisoo take her time in telling her. After all, Yoon Jisoo seemed very happy with the company and that was all that mattered to Lisa.

Jisoo nodded. "But we're keeping it quiet until the semester ends in a couple of weeks."


"Because we're not certain if he'll get in trouble for being with a student while he's an aide?" Jisoo shared, worried. "I mean, he doesn't have influence on the exams since the Economics exams are standardised by all Professors in the department... but we're just being sure. I don't want to get him in trouble."

"Awwww look at you!" Lisa teased. "Caring for someone who we can't recruit in our entertainment agency."

Jisoo swatted her lightly. "Haven't you seen his face? We can represent him as an actor."

The two shared a laugh. Looking at Jisoo, Lisa asked, "Are you happy?"

Jisoo nodded. "Yes."

"Good. Just one thing..." Lisa started. When Jisoo met her gaze, Lisa asked, "Will your parents approve? Didn't you tell me your parents caused the breakup of your sister. Song Hae In... he's a great guy but... he's even poorer than Mr. Ri's family was."

A frown creased Jisoo's forehead. "That's what's been keeping me up," she admitted. "The good thing is we're really just starting off so any decisions of running away with him will take a really long time because I still have a career I want to build and Hae In understands that."

"Good," Lisa nodded.

"As for my parents... I know that they've changed," Jisoo couldn't help but say loyally. "My Mother, especially, is aware of how cruel she was to Seri and I know that she's been trying to make amends. Mother is not perfect but I know that this time, at least, she will listen."

"Alright," Lisa said. "I hope your story won't be as complicated as your sister's."

"I hope so," Jisoo said, smiling again. "If not, I'll live with my sister for the time being."

They laughed again before turning to the front of the room as class was about to begin. To Jisoo's surprise, Hae In came in to replace Professor Ri for this session. "Isn't he supposed to be in today?" Jisoo asked Song Hae In as soon as class ended.

"Yes, but he called and said something urgent came up and he'd have to take a couple more days off," Hae In shared.

As Lisa, Jisoo and Hae In contemplated the disappearance of Mr. Ri, Han Eun-jin was over at Seri's Choice's headquarters bugging Mr. Hong. "Where is she? I need to speak to her."

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