Vol 2. 3. An alliance?

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Shoko PoV

Horikita and I walked around the special annex building, the crime scene itself. We investigated the hallway and the different rooms to search for something very specific.

We checked the home economics room, special classrooms, AV room, etc.

There were little to no cameras in this building.

" This was the perfect trap for someone like Sudo-kun." Horikita stated as we both took a break.

" Yeah." I sighed in disappointment.

I really wish there were cameras here....

Only then will we be able to have a CHANCE at proving his innocence....

I released a sigh as I felt the heat making its way through my uniform.

" So hot..." I low-key complained.

That's what I said as well.

" I'm suprised that you're trying this much for Sudo-kun's sake." Horikita said as she turned to look at me.

" I could care less about him. But getting him expelled will lower my chances of reaching Class A." I corrected her.

If class competition wasn't a thing at this school.

I'd spend my days in peace and eat popcorn as I watch my classmates get expelled one by one.

You truly are sadistic.

And even colder than Horikita.

" I see." Horikita accepted my answer and silence ensued between us.

" You know, something has been on my mind lately, Horikita." I suddenly spoke.

" What is it?"

I turned to look at her closely.

" You ." I said.

Her eyes widened as she took a step back.

" What....are you trying to say...." she asked slowly.

" Your behaviour towards me these past days had been.....rather.....weird. You're openly lending me your help with little to no complaint.  The Horikita that I'd unfortunately came to know, wouldn't do such a thing. Instead,  she'd probably insult me over and over and ultimately act like a totally selfish bitch." I said.

Her eye twitched at my last line.

" Well, now you've been acting as a more mellow selfish bitch, which is an improvement. " I smirked.

" You are aware that you act much like a bitch yourself,  right? " she shot back.

I shrugged, " Takes one to know one."

She scoffs, " You are insufferable. "

" Ah, now THAT sounds more like Horikita."  I said.

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