I like Spiderman pajamas

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Aru's P.O.V

Their expression was worth seeing. It was like someone froze time, literally.
After this came a question, that I found deeply insulting.
' What's a Pandava now? ', asked Harry.
' Pandavas are from Hindu mythology, they were like elite ', said Annabeth sizing me up.
She must have been thinking whether there I was actually a person who looked elite.
Well, I must have not, considering I was wearing a spiderman tee and iron man pants.

' Um...sure we'll believe you ', said Percy like he thought I was just some kid.
' I'm not kidding ', I said.
I brought out Vajra, it jumped from a subtle bracelet to a crackling lightning bolt.
Percy's eyes widened. ' Woah ', he exclaimed.

I smiled, but then I looked at Annabeth who was frowning and staring at me, like I had started growing tentacles. 
' How'd you get Zeus's Lightning bolt? ', she asked perplexed.
To me it sounded like alien gibberish, Who was this Zeus and why did she use the word "get", it wasn't like I ordered a lightning bolt from Dominos.
' I didn't get anything from this...this..Zeus character ', I said.
' Where did you get it from then? ', she asked.
' I got it from Indra the Indian god of the Sky ', I said.
Moment of peace for Percy's Brain(Yes you read that correct), he threw himself down on the floor and yelled, ' Not another differeny kind of Mythology, I just finished remembering all the Norse gods names! '.
Annabeth rolled her eyes. ' Your making a scene Seaweed Brain ', she said.
Harry was staring at me the whole time like I'd dropped from outer space.
' What? ', I asked.
' Nothing, I reckon it's just weird thinking that their is so much more to the world than I thought ', he said desparetly.
' Okay, let's start this all over again, I'm Aru Shah, I'm Indian, I LOVE Swedish Fish and I like spiderman pyjamas- ', I chanted, as I was saying this, I was rudely interrupted by a car smashing right outside my window.
' Pirate speech and Shakespeare ', I said. ' That's just wrong '.
' Agreed ', said Harry. ' What do we do? '.
Percy brought out a pen, ' Why, we fight of course ', he said with a mad glint in his eyes.

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