Where was Aru?

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Annabeth's P.O.V

As soon as I opened my eyes, I saw a huge snake slithering towards us. Unlike Nagini this one was different. It looked curious

Annabeth, let me slither to you darling
' Who're you? By the Way, you can't slither next to me, heard of personal space? ', I said nastily.
I had no idea who this slithering beauty was, but I hated that snake.

I normally liked snakes, considering they were sacred animals of Athena. But this one was different.
It had some sort of darkness in it.
Slytherin go for the son of water
' Come out, Voldemort! Stop playing games! ', I said.
' Yes, Voldemort, come out, you ugly toadstool, do you have a nose now? ', asked Harry although he was shivering.
I was shuddering.

Slytherin, make it quick
I walked towards Slytherin.
' You know who I am Slytherin? ', I asked threatingly.
Slytherin inclined it's head and said Where you in the movie snakes in the plane? 
I rolled my eyes, great! Snakes with a sense of humour, day just keeps getting better and weirder.

Stop it Slytherin! Don't listen to the Owl. Remember you belong to me , said the raspy voice.

' This is mad! Neville killed Nagini, so how was she there at that restaurant and who's this snake? ', asked Harry.
Oh Harry Nagini has her needs, she needed a male and their beatiful offspring is ready waiting for you in your sanctuary, said the raspy voice again.

I needed to think fast, I looked at our surroundings for the first time. It looked like we were in a sewer.
There was a staircase right next to us, opening out on the road from a manhole.
I muttered thanks to Thomas Crapper(haha, Crapper and sewers, I see what's funny) for building out those manholes.

If only I could distract the snake for long enough.
Annie, let me share my space with you
All of a sudden a blue light flickered somewhere in the tunnel.
Then the blue light became steady and shone brightly.
Slytherin turned around.

Annabeth, you there? ', asked a loud voice which I recognised as Percy's.
' Yeah! I'm here ', I yelled with relief my voice cracking.
Aru came into vision first and I realised that I hadn't seen Aru since I was passed out at the coffee shop.
The snake slithered away.
I ran to Percy and hugged him tighly.
' How'd you guys find us? ', I asked.
Percy waved his hand towards Aru.
' Aru, explain ', said Ron.
Aru looked at me. ' Okay this is going to be a long talk'.

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