Snake couples are cute( not really)

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Aru's P.O.V

I started talking, pouring out everything that had happened to me.
' So go back to the time when we lay passed out at the store ', I said
' You were there with us ', reminded Percy.
' Yes I was, then when the snakes caught you and Harry, you all ran towards the bathroom door, right about then, Slytherin came slithering towards me, he grabbed me and I ended up in the tunnel ', I continued
' I was held captive by a dude with no nose, who I'm guessing to be Voldemort( *insert flinching noises by Ron*) along with Nagini and Slytherin ', I took a deep breath.
' Then Voldemort asked Slytherin to go  to Annabeth and Harry, Voldemort vanished leaving me with Nagini, I electrocuted Nagini and she went limp, then I found you guys and we saved Harry and Annabeth '. It felt like I was asked a question by the teacher and I had launched into a big explanation, I almost expected Annabeth to tell me whether the answer was right or wrong.
' Right ', said Annabeth.
' Thank you Teacher ', I said smiling.
Annabeth looked confused.
I laughed out loud.
Annabeth held up her hand in caution.
So did Harry.
' Stop laughing! ', she said.
I felt offended, my laughs weren't so bad, yes, I'd heard from some people that when I laugh, it sounds like a witch cackling, but I had prefered to think those people as evil sociopaths who must listen to journey songs on kareoke night. ( I know their horrible *shudders*).
Then I realised that a cold feeling was spreading through the air.
' Harry! ', cried a raspy voice. ' Thissss issss what I wanted '.
' All of you in a sssssingle place ', said Voldemort.
( Fun Fact: Voldemort was actually supposed to be pronounced as Voldemor with "t" silent)
' Let me rip,tear,kill just like I did to Lily and James Potter ', he said.
As soon as he said those words the world started spinning and we landed on an empty street.
' Where are we?', I asked.
Harry seemed to be having a heart attack, or so I thought because he was clutching his chest.
' We're at the place where Voldemort killed my parents ', he said.

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