I'm not just a wizard, I'm Gandalf

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Percy's P.O.V

After Aru fainted all I could do was sob. Annabeth already lay next to me, now Aru was with her too. Harry was still knotted in pain.

My vision became blurry. I started seeing a thousand dementors.
I tried to yell at the top of the voice, it came out as a puppy's whimper.
' Expecto Patronum ', I said thinking of a positive feeling, something happy, like, my first day at Camp-Half Blood.
Silvery whispers of smoke came out of Harry's wand.
' EXPECTO PATRONUM ', I yelled, thinking of the time I spent with Paul and my mom.
More silvery whispers came out of the wand, but this time more stronger.
' EXPECTO PATRONUM!', I screamed, thinking of Annabeth.
The wand bursted, well not literally, but it emitted a huge blue-glowy thing, but this time instead of forming a stag, it came out as a Pegasus. It winked at me, if Pegasuses( is that a word?) could wink. I might have to ask Blackjack that.

The Pegasus stomped on the dementors.
The dementors had no expression but they looked like your typical fan when he/she realises their favourite celebrity has no time to answer their fan mails.

And just like that I fainted with exhaustion.

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