Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

   "Pi, where's the report, have you handed it in yet?"

"It's been handed in."

"Well done! If we get a point deduction this time. Even if it's only 0.1%, you're going to be dead 100%!"

That's what you call a greeting when we see each other in college! In fact, I'd love to screw it and say "Fuck you!" But I don't have the guts to say it. I just do what they say.

I have no right to argue with others. I've always been a little transparent, whoever I was with, I was always the one who was ignored. It was only when it had something to do with my studies that they thought to call on me but then they kicked me out immediately afterwards. As for the social side, not to mention the social side, you can imagine what my situation is like?

So, who would want to be friends with someone like me? The only person I could consider a friend was a senior from another college. I met him in the coffee shop line and we've been in touch ever since. It's a small world, I don't want or need to drag something else into this grey world.

Except for one thing, that is...

"Hey, hey, it's MueangNan hey!"

I turned curiously to look at the source of the sound and saw a group of people walking up the stairs and two unsuspecting boys staring at one of the people in the group.

He's just my kind of guy. The most important thing is that we study the same subject. Even though it's only one major we share.

Chemical Analysis 201

Oh my God... I'm so into chemistry.


"Excuse me, did that hurt?" It was too late to sort out their feelings, the two mudskippers had already rushed over to MueangNan. They pretended to bump into him by accident and then helped him pick up his things when they were accidentally knocked off. Anyone who believes in such a superficial plan is really stupid.

"It's okay, I know you didn't mean it either."

Uh, damn it, MueangNan actually believed it!

It doesn't matter how many times you hit yourself, it probably won't change the outcome. It's common knowledge that Nan is a homosexual. But even though he has a lover, his popularity has not diminished at all. The only good thing about these two is that they're good looking but Nan smiles at them but me...

Have you noticed me standing next to the public garbage cans all the time?

"My name is Pi, I'm a second-year dental student, I'm the same age as you. I've had a crush on you for a long time, will you consider dating me?"

Fuck-me... He'll probably just say no.

For me, MueangNan is like the "Fish upon the Sky". The love between us can never come true. Just like we all know, no one can catch a Fish upon the Sky or a star in the water, because they never existed.

That means there's zero chance that he and I will ever fall in love.

"Same class, where are you sitting? I'll bring you the books later." Here we go again, it never ends. My mouth twitches and twitches, it's numbing.

"It's okay, I'll sit with my friends," Just saw four or five of his friends standing together, putting up with his crap. And he still had the cheek to talk.


The tall man gave way to the little one and let him go into the classroom. As for me, I could only look at their thin backs and imagine what it would be like to put my hand on his shoulder. Even if only once. I guess I'll be dreaming about it all night long.

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