Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Mr. Toon said the boat should be off shore the next morning, so I rushed off to wait for Mork to come to med school. Come to think of it, I've always waited for the Fish upon the Sky but today I'm wasting time trying to clear up his fanboy mess. By the time I got down to the med school building, I had forgotten that I wasn't the psychic Riew who could find the culprit in no time.

So, I just stand around aimlessly, watching people come and go, my eyes glaze over, until a cute looking girl walks up to me.


Ah! You know me. The Best Popularity Award Remembered, Dead Duean, I've changed my face, I'm handsome, it's finally working, I'm so happy I'm crying.


"Uh... Um" I quickly pulled back to my senses, looked over at the beautifully dressed schoolgirl, confident in my mind that she must be a freshman.

"What are seniors doing in medical school?"

"Oh, I came to find someone."

"The big few?"


"What's the name? I might know it." She's called Prik but she doesn't look like her name, she's not even toxic.

"Mork, yes... Yes, Medical School University II grass.


What's going on? What triggered such a long series of screams?

"Phii Mork in room MD5014, Introductory Anatomy class ends today." After the screaming stopped, she just said where Mork was and it made me wonder if this girl was a normal person, why did she know Mork's schedule so well? It's like she saw it with her own eyes.

"Why would a schoolgirl know?"

"It just so happens that I'm the president of Mork's support group."

"Oh, so Mork doesn't have a class right now, right?"


"Thank you very much."

"You're welcome." I walked out, my eyes swept over the schoolgirl again, saw her waving at me, her big flashing eyes hit every part of my body, did the schoolgirl just happen to be down or was she under some kind of witchcraft.

Don't think about anything else right now. I pick up my pace and head for the elevator, hitting the fifth floor, where there's a target waiting for me to clean up. Once I stopped at MD5014 I knocked politely two or three times on the door. Even though I knew he was staying with a friend.

Knock, knock, knock

Quiet! Not a single person responded.

Knock, knock, knock

It's the same quiet knock again, before thinking about doing something big, I take a deep breath.


TMD, opened the door and went in, didn't wait for him, getting anxious, wanted to get it over with.

But the picture in front of me is...

The hell that awaits Pi is already ahead.

Why won't Prik students tell me the truth, who says Mork doesn't have classes? What brings close to a hundred medical students together, packed into one room? And now everyone's looking at me like they're saying, if you can't find a good reason for showing up and bothering this big crowd, you are going to get a shot in the eye.

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