Chapter 9

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Chapter 9

Following the time of the Fifth Year Student.

"Pi, I'll go first."

"Have you finished packing?"

"I'm done, I'll be gone for three days, you take care of yourself. And don't go to the pub again, I can't be there every time to look after you." I've said it over and over again, my mouth is dry, I don't know if it's going in one ear and out the other, Pi.

Today I'm doing a life skill camping session with the freshers. There's no other activity to do, it's all the way to Khao Yai to fight dengue fever, there are mosquitoes everywhere. But Meen told his medical school classmates that he wanted to come to Khao Yai for a bit of fun, simple as that! Apart from all the reasons, I don't have much to argue with.

This event seems more innovative than a dog food drive but back and forth, it's like I'm handing out doctor food, bleeding freshers for fun, err...

I can't go anywhere for too long, because I'm worried about Pi. Last night my beloved brother had a hard time getting back to his room. Even standing up nearly toppled him over. Being drunk wasn't enough, he ended up sleeping on the toilet. He was so intent on making a good impression on MueangNan, all I could see was making trouble for his own life.

If I hadn't thought to drop by last night to cheer up my little brother, the cleaning lady would have woken him up with a mop and got him up off the floor.

"Come on, who am I, I can take care of myself." He replied with a sigh of relief.

"Yeah... Just be careful. You think you're chasing fairies, I'm afraid you'll get chased. I saw that Mork guy last night, he's got a scowl, be careful with him, he doesn't look reassuring."

"Did you see him again?"

"He followed you to the toilet. Tell the truth, did you notice anything?"

"I don't know, I was drunk."

"He's only good at academics but he's got almost no knowledge of life. I feel so helpless."

"Who can be like you, Duean."

"You're good, you're good."

"Go where you're going and stay out of trouble."

"So, let's have a fight then, Pi."

"I don't want to waste my energy fighting you. It'll take me a while to find food."


After that, I kicked the shit out of my brother, it was almost noon by the time I got my stuff together and went to school. The freshers had no desire to get ready for the bus, they were just eating lunch and I was hungry too, so I had to sit down and eat something to pass the time.

"Meen, you're good, okay?" I looked up to see the person opposite me picking the vegetables off his plate. What's the point of ordering fried vegetables if you're not going to eat them? If you're here to sit and have soup, you just need rice in soup.

"He didn't wash them well." He replied with a frown.

"How do you know it's not clean? Does your mouth have the ability to tell if food is safe or not?" Finally, I was able to tell him off, the little brat likes to pick fights. I've lost my patience so many times.

"It's like a smell."

"Do you smell like fox?"

"Dueannnnnn, I've had a shower." Calling me by my name in such a long-drawn-out voice and looking at me with your mouth pouting.

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