part eleven

36 2 0

October 13th


"So he ghosted you?"

I roll my eyes even though he can't see me.
"Yes, he ghosted me."

"What a dick."

I check for oncoming cars before speed walking to the other sidewalk, holding the phone to my ear tightly so it doesn't fall.

"I should have listened to you, Harry."

"Maybe," he laughs.

"Shut up." I say, trying to make my way through people.

"You almost at the restaurant?"

"Unfortunately," I reply.

"Why haven't you quit yet?"

"Because I need the money. We're not all as loaded as you are, H."

He chuckles, "Guess not. How was your audition yesterday?"

"Well, I got the part. It's minor, just four lines in the next episode of Mirrors."

"That tv show that just came out? The one with the serial killer who goes after all the pretty girls because they always reject him?"

"Yes," I sigh, "that one."

"That's good! This is the fourth audition you've nailed."

I roll my eyes, "Yeah and they're all shit roles. I'm on the screen for all of two minutes."

"It takes time, Aurora. Relax," he says as I approach the restaurant. I get to the side door but I don't go in. I still have time to talk to Harry.

We haven't had the chance to hang out because I've been working at the restaurant and booking shit roles. We always talk on the phone though. It's been a little over two weeks since we finished filming Cherry.

"I know," I sigh again.

"Hey, look on the bright side. The music video drops tomorrow so I'm sure they'll all be calling you for bigger roles."

"Finally, I can't keep switching my shifts to go film two lines."

He scoffs, "Patience. How's Lexi handling all these auditions? Is she prepared for the demand of you after tomorrow?"

"Demand? Please, I'll be lucky enough to get one role. She's doing okay. She insists it makes her feel less lonely while Jason works. He's been putting in a lot of overtime since that night at your place."

"Well, he dreams big, I'll give him that," Harry jokes. "Is she also handling your social media? I've seen you posted the teasers Lucas sent."

"Yeah, she's doing it. I go down a rabbit hole with the negative comments when I go on so Lex took over."

"Good, you don't need to spend too much time online. If it becomes too much for Lex, let me know. I've got an assistant I can spare if you need help."

I shake my head, "No, we're okay. Thank you. Hey I've got to go work now. What time for the viewing party tomorrow?"

"It's set to release at 8pm here so 7. That way everyone can get settled in. Is Alex heading in?"

"No, he's got his hands full with this case. I've barely spoken to him since he left."

"I'm sure he misses you, Aurora."

"He better."

" Well, I'll let you get to work. See you tomorrow, Aurora. I've been missing your face."

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