Chapter 3. The Great Feast

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We finished our journey to Hogwarts Castle and it was as amazing, as it was every year. Hermoine, of course, recited her 'light reading' knowledge every year.
"The ceiling is enchanted to make it look like the night sky. I read it in Hogwarts: a History."
"Like we haven't heard you the first 3 years you said it." Ron would say, admiring the ceiling, himself.
I laughed, because this was my life. Sassy Ron, and know-it-all 'mione.
"I can't help it. It's an amazing enchantment. I hope I could find out the spell in the library.." Then she took a seat in the Great Hall and started thinking deeply.
"She's going to be lost a while" I told Ron, but he didn't seem to acknowledge my speaking, he was too busy messing with Scabbers, frantically squeaking and squirming in his robe pocket.
"Hey, Ron? What's up with Scabbers?" I asked.
"I have no idea. Maybe he's hungry" Ron answered.
As we watched the first years being sorted, I couldn't help but feel like I was being watched. I looked around at all of the house tables, but my eyes landed on the one and only, Draco Malfoy. He bit his bottom lip, not acknowledging me looking right at him. When he looked up at my eyes, they locked. His face turned a deep scarlet and he looked away, focusing on Dumbledoor now speaking.
Maybe he was just checking out my robes. I did get new ones, thanks to Ron, who was able to take me shopping this year.
"Let the feast begin!" Dumbledoor yelled, I evedintly missed his whole speech. No big deal. It's the same one every year, right?
The food appeared from the table, and I filled my plate with one of everything. I, personally, thought it was the best Hogwarts feast we have had since my first year here, even though I have only been here 4 years now. I looked over at Ron and Hermoine, as usual, Ron enjoying his chicken, and Hermione eating small portions, but she looked happy, laughing.
What was she laughing at? It wasn't like she was friends with many people, she spent too much time with her nose stuck in her books to pay attention to other girls.
Then I saw it. She was laughing with Neville. NEVILLE LONGBOTTOM? I saw that Ron had saw it too, and he stopped eating, and looked at me with a face that said "there go my chances with Hermione".
I politely stopped eating, too, and started talking with Ron until the feast ended. Dumbledoor's loud voice interrupted our conversation, now somewhat happy.
"The feast is now over. The prefects will lead the houses to their dormitories. Once again, welcome to another year at Hogwarts!" And everyone stood quickly and followed the prefects.
The new password was "green jellybean." Weird, I thought.
I looked back, a couple people behind Ron and I, were Hermione and Neville, still laughing together.
"When did they happen?" I heard Ron ask, and I jumped.
"I don't know, I'll ask her about it, though." I answered, and we headed into the common room I missed more than ever over summer.


I never got a chance to speak with Hermione, she sat laughing with Neville all night, until they parted ways into their dormitories. Even then, they were smiling at eachother from the seperare staircases.
I counted on my room being as great as always, welcoming. I changed into my pajamas, pulled my blinds, and fell asleep, happy to be home, back at Hogwarts where I felt I was needed.

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