3. Familiar Stranger

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Was I kidnapped? Had Dad found me and brought me there? Where was I?

I looked around the room from the white walls to the full-length mirror, brown ceiling boards and dark rug which covered the floor. Thankfully, my oxblood shirt and black jeans were still on my body as it should be. Where were my sweaters and boots? I looked towards the wardrobe and found it slightly open. I stood up from the bed and almost fell, feeling a bit dizzy.

"Whoa!" I sat back on the bed. I stood up again and reached for the wardrobe door. My boots and sweater were placed neatly in the wardrobe.

I walked back to the bed apprehensively. Where was I? I had to go out and find answers instead of staying there like a sitting duck. I grabbed my sweater and boots from the wardrobe and headed out of the room quietly.

The floorboards creaked under my feet with each step I made. The house must have been old. To my right, a flight of stairs extended down to the ground floor. I hoped that was the way out.

The stairs led into a really large room with artwork and pictures arranged around the place. There was not a single piece of furniture in that place. Above the room was a fairly big chandelier. The floor was wooden and polished to perfection.

The next room had pieces of furniture and was smaller than the other one I had just passed through. There was a fireplace and a television there. The television was on which meant someone else was in the house. Of course, someone else was here, what had I expected?

I remembered just how defenceless I was. What if this person wasn't harmful after all? On the other hand, what if this person was a kidnapper or psychopath? My fight or flight senses activated immediately. Run, Rufina, run!

I heard the clatter of metal. The sound was from the next room which seemed like the kitchen.

I quickly hid behind a wall to peep. The person in the kitchen bent down. It was a man. I watched him as he went about his cooking which smelt so good. There was something familiar about that guy. Had we met before? I just needed to see his face to be sure.


My heart did a thousand backflips in my chest.

I bent down even lower, wishing I could disappear into the floor. How did he know my name? Who knew my name in Tepoztlan? At the realization, I stood up and faced him.

"You are that taxi driver."

He turned around smiling. "I'm Oliverio. Oliverio Quin."

Yeah, it was really nice to see him again.

"How did you find me?"

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions, why don't I answer them over breakfast?"

Breakfast? What time was it? Never mind, I was about to leave anyway.

"Thank you, but I just want to know how I managed to come here and where this is. I need to get back."

He moved out of the kitchen and into the dining where he stopped behind a chair and pulled it out, signalling for me to sit.

"You don't understand, I have to get going immediately. I'm grateful you helped me but I need to leave immediately."

"I can see that you're stubborn and paranoid,' he said, "but you need to eat. I found you on the ground on the mountain, you must be starving."

I didn't know what hurt more, the pain in my stomach or the fact that he was right. I just wanted to be on my way already.

I reluctantly walked over to him. "I'm not paranoid."

"Oh, so you agree that you're stubborn."

"I did not agree to that either. So, how did you find me, where's this place? And how can I find my way back to the hotel?"

"So many questions, but I'll give you your answers. You fainted while coming down the mountain and since you were off track, anyone going up to the temple wouldn't have seen you."

"So you came looking for me?"

"Yes, because I called you and your line was switched off."

"I lost my phone."


"Some monkey kind of creature. I've forgotten the name."


"Yeah, coati. It made me drop my phone."

"So what brings you to Tepoztlan, Rufina?"

I looked away from him not knowing how to talk about my predicament without getting emotional. He might try to discourage me from my search. Or even worse, he might report the case to the police and Dad might go to prison depending on what business he was carrying out in Tepoztlan. Oliverio noticed my hesitation.

"I'll be right back with the rest of the food."

He stood up and walked away into the kitchen. I studied him from behind as he left. He was tall. His muscles were visible under his white shirt. His hair was dark and full like the mane of a horse. It stopped just above his neck. His skin was a bit tanned too. Earlier when he sat across from me I couldn't help but notice his beautiful green eyes. My knight in shining armour with a pair of beautiful green eyes. How comical.

He returned and set the food on the table before taking his seat. I felt every shade of awkward sharing with him like that. Except for the part where he was stubborn, he was kind and helpful. Still, I didn't feel comfortable sharing my problem with him.

He was a stranger. I appreciated his care but it's a bit odd for someone who I met on official business. Why did he care? Was he even a real taxi driver?

I looked at the plate of hot freshly made Chilaques. Hunger had never been this painful in my life.

"Don't you like it?"

I picked up my fork and put a piece of the food into my mouth.

"This is my house. I live here with my cousin. I can carry you back to the hotel if you want."

"As a taxi driver, or?"

"Does it matter?"

"Not really, although I can't help but wonder if you're a taxi driver. I find it hard to believe."

"I'm a taxi driver..."

I looked at him, bewildered. I didn't mean to be stereotypical but taxi drivers do not usually own mansions.

"I'm also into software programming," he added and the extra information gave me some sense of satisfaction.

"So why did you help me?"

"You looked like you needed help."

"I don't understand."

"You sounded confused and lost. You even sounded scared."

It was true. I was scared when we first met. I was confused, I was everything he said and even more. Right there, I didn't even know how I felt, I just wanted to eat and regain my strength. I quietly continued with my food.


I looked up at Oliverio.

"Why are you in Tepoztlan?"

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