6. The Earlier The Better

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I was going to find Dad. I just had that feeling that I was going to find him. Call it hope, call it expectations, call it whatever, I knew I would find him.

"I'm done eating, I'm ready to leave."

"Okay, first we'd stop at the mall to get you a new phone just in case," said Oliverio.

"I don't have much money to buy a phone. That's another reason why I want to find my dad quickly so I can return home."

"Calm down, speedy, this can take a longer time than you think."

"That's why we need to start our search immediately." I sighed in frustration. Why were they bringing up things to delay me?

"Look, Rufina. I know you desperately want to find your dad. These things I'm suggesting for you would also help. You need a phone. You said your father might be into something dangerous. What if you get into trouble and need to call for help? Okay, to make this faster, we would leave now. It would not take much time, I promise."

Oliverio stood up from his chair and signalled for me to join him outside.

"I told you, I don't have money," I said, following him.

"Don't worry about that."

Oliverio had parked his car at a clearing a bit far from the house. He led the way through the woods where the bushes weren't thick.

We drove out into a place with fewer settlements, then into the main village and stopped in front of a mall.

"Go on, I'll meet you later," he said when we arrived.

I walked into the mall and noticed the unpleasant stares I received from a few people around. I must look like someone coming from a zombie apocalypse. In shame, I walked into the clothing section.

When I was done, I met Oliverio at the front counter. He did not take many things for himself, just a new pair of jeans and a sweatshirt. He listened as the cashier called the cost of my items. He seemed ready to pay for his things so I gave him the space.

When he was done, he carried my things and signalled for us to leave.

"I haven't paid for that."

"He has paid for them, miss," the cashier said.

Really? One more act of kindness from this man and I'd be forced to believe he was Santa Claus in disguise. Who knew if he hadn't stashed his reindeer somewhere in the woods?

He held the car door open for me and I quickened my pace so I wouldn't keep him waiting.

We both got into the car and he turned it on. "Thank you."

"You're welcome," he replied. "Please put on your seat belt."

"Oh my gosh! I got carried away with getting clothes that I forgot to get a phone."

"We can come back for that another day."


"I thought you were in a hurry to search for your dad."

"Yes, yes, we can go now. But you know the phone was our reason for coming here in the first place. You said it's really important."

"Well, I couldn't tell you that you needed to go clothes shopping so I used the phone to make you come here. I also want to get you a phone but we cannot go back now, we've spent enough time here."


"Don't worry, you can use mine for now."

I continued to stare at him in disbelief. "You don't realize how urgent this is, do you?"

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