31. Discharged

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Shortly after, the door opened with a squeal and Oliver came in. I looked away from Oliver and to Rodas. He was so engrossed in whatever he was doing on his phone. I gathered the pink bed sheet in my hand and threw it on him. He flinched and almost threw his phone out of his hand.

"Hey!" he exclaimed with an angry look.

"While you got distracted by your phone and forgot about my existence, I got extremely bored."

"Don't worry, the doctor would soon be here and you'd be discharged," he explained, "but if you keep throwing their properties all around, they might just keep you here for an extra year."

"That would be the death of me."

"Then keep this to yourself," he said, holding up the bed sheet as he spoke. I laughed as he threw it in my direction and it landed on my body.

"Why didn't you bring a novel or something to keep me busy?"

"You were asleep. Unconscious. I don't know, but it wasn't so sensible to give you something to read in that state."

I sighed, rolling my eyes as I slouched in the bed. A knock sounded on the door before it opened and the doctor came in.

"Hello, everyone."

"Hello, doctor," we replied, except Mum.

He stopped beside my bed and felt my forehead with the back of his hand.

"Your fever is gone," he said.

I nodded in agreement as he took out a blue pen from among the multicoloured set of pens in his breast pocket.

He scribbled something down in his notepad as he asked me some more questions. When he was done with the questioning, he dropped his notepad on the tray at the stand in front of my bed and then checked my blood pressure.

"So would she be able to come home tonight?" Oliver asked.

The sound of Oliver asking if I would be able to come 'home' that night gave me a warm feeling. He sounded acting like he couldn't wait for me to return. I looked up at him but his attention was fully on the doctor.

The doctor sighed as he unwrapped the strap from my hand. "From all I've seen, she's okay. She's done taking her drip. But she would need to take some drugs with her which she would be taking at home. We would give you an ointment to apply on her ankle also."

"Okay," Oliver replied with a nod.

The doctor dropped the BP apparatus and fitted a thermometer under my armpit. He carried his notepad to write down some more things.

When he finally dropped it, he gathered all the things he had come with and then retrieved the thermometer.

"Good!" he said as he checked the temperature on the thermometer before putting it back in its case. "Take good care of yourself, Rufina," he said to me then turned to the others, "and you guys too. Take good care of yourselves."

We thanked him as we were all smiles, relieved that we were finally leaving the hospital.

The doctor pointed at Mum with a questioning look. He didn't know who she was because she had been facing the wall the whole time.

"My mum," I answered his silent question.

He mouthed an "Oh..." He walked to where she was and touched her shoulder lightly.

She turned and looked up at him. "Oh! Doctor. I'm so sorry, I didn't..."

Her expression explained her situation, she didn't need to speak much.

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