38. Dispute

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"What about you guys?"

"We would find a place. I have an uncle who lives in Sinaloa. You remember my uncle who I told you about. I'll stay with him in the meantime."

"Okay, but you can stay with us. There's a spare room in our house, you and Rodas can stay."

Oliver shook his head. "No, thank you. I have to stay at my uncle's place. He has been inviting me for some time now. Rodas can stay with you guys."

"You know you can visit anytime."

He nodded. "I won't hesitate. My uncle's wife isn't very welcoming. I'm only going there because of my uncle. I also have issues to discuss with him. Or rather he has issues to discuss with me."

I held his hand and looked up at him. He was sad. "Don't worry, let's look at this on the bright side. I know the times are not very encouraging but at least you would be able to visit my home in Sinaloa."

A small smile formed on his lips. I tugged his hand a bit before releasing it and walking away to the kitchen as he went upstairs.

After breakfast, I went to Mum's room to inform her about our movement. She was shocked. She wasn't prepared to go back to Sinaloa. Not yet.

Though she didn't mention it, I knew she was scared to meet the family. If maybe Dad was alive it would have been a different case altogether. He would've been there to defend her on her return. Now the pressure would be much on her based on the fact that she was the one who called him to Tepoztlan before he died. They would blame her.

I moved away from behind the door where I stood then sat beside her on the bed and held her hand. I had forgiven her, yes. I would defend her, yes. But I was scared.

I remembered what Oliver had said to me some nights ago when we were returning from the store; "If they cared why didn't they come for me?" I was facing my battles alone. They shouldn't judge me for fighting for those whom I loved.

"I'm scared too, but we would face them together. Besides, if you don't feel up to it you can always come back and spend some time in your property here."

Mum had a deep frown on her face as she looked up at me. "My property here?"

I gave her time to conclude herself. When her expression changed from that of curiosity I nodded at her. She gave me a knowing look.

"You know you have to claim the property. You can sell it or... I don't know."

"It should remain there for now. I would look into it later. I'm not even sure he willed it to me. One of his gang members would most likely claim it. "

"Whenever you're ready," I said, standing up. "I'll be going to pack up my stuff now."

I got to my room and flung the wardrobe open. It was almost empty -as scanty as my pockets. I wasn't expecting to have many properties though.

I picked up my boots and folded the few clothes I had in a bag. I left out the things I would use the next day.

When I was done less than an hour later, I went to Mum's room only to find her on her bed reading a book.

"What book is that?"

"Sharpes Trafalgar."

"Dad was reading it. I wonder if he ever finished."

Mum sighed, closing the book as she sat up on her bed. "I found it in his room, sitting on the table with the bookmark on page 137."

"He didn't finish."


Some awkward seconds passed between us in silence. "Have you packed your things?"

Mum laughed. "What things? You guys rescued me with only a dress and no shoes."

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