11. Twisted Ankle

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A forest, a burning house. A crying woman. Two men in between, and a young girl watching helplessly as they struggle for life. I turn from side to side on my bed as tension builds up within me. Heat. Pressure. Sulphur... Slowly, the atmosphere starts to fold on itself, pressing on my insides, and exchanging the little oxygen I have left with smoke. My nostrils burn.


I opened my eyes and sat up immediately, breathing heavily. Placing my hands on my chest, reality slowly dawned on me. It was just a dream.

It's day five of our search. Oliver was in the kitchen making breakfast. "So, what do we do now?" He asked when I got there.

I look up at him, confused. 'What do we do now?" We had found Dad already and everything just became more confusing. A sigh escaped my lips as I leaned on the counter. "What do you suggest?"

"It's your choice to make," he shrugged.

"Well, I would have loved to meet him since I have lots of questions to ask. But... I suggest we stay lowkey and watch him to see what he's doing before approaching him."

"Smart move, but why?"

"I know my dad, he would not be too willing to tell me what made him leave home mysteriously."

Oliver flipped the egg in the pan.

"Guys! I'll be going out for a jog," Rodas announced from the living room before rushing out of the house quickly.

"Rodas!" I called after him but he continued to jog away, not hearing my call under the music from his headphones. I ran upstairs quickly and got my jacket to follow him.

The sun was not out yet and the ground was still a bit wet with dew. I jogged some distance to see if I'd bump into Rodas but there was no sign of him anywhere. I stopped and looked around me at the tall slender trees and ground littered with leaves.



After a while of searching and calling out in vain, I turned back to return home. But on second thought, I used the opportunity to master my way through the woods.

I continued jogging until I got to the clearing where Oliver parked his car. The heat from the sun was more than before and beads of sweat formed on my forehead. I rested on the body of the car to catch my breath.

It was calm and beautiful out there. The sun was overhead, causing the trees to create shadows.  Nearby, a butterfly hovered over a flower before perching on it. Some distance away, there was a small puddle which glistened under the sunlight, reflecting the image of a small chirping bird hopping on the branch of a tree. It flew down to drink from the small puddle. Noticing my presence, it got scared and flew away, causing ripples in the puddle and destroying the image on the water.

Sighing, I stood and stretched a little before walking back home. Trees flanked the trail, casting their shadows on the path. A dark figure ran past in the distance among the trees. I rubbed my eyes in disbelief and looked again. No one was there.

Removing my sweater, I tied it around my waist. Oliver was in the living room when I got there. I walked straight into the kitchen to get some water to drink.

"You did not see Rodas, did you?"

"No trace of him anywhere," I replied, walking into the living room.

"So, what are your plans for tonight?"

"Uh... I don't think it's a good idea to show our faces this early. I say we continue with what we're doing, but try to find out what they're saying."

"And how do we do that?"

"Finding out what they're saying?"

Oliver nodded.

"We could go closer..."

He glared at me. "Rufina, that's dangerous."

"I know, but they're just two."

"Yeah, and we're how many?"

I didn't like the way that discussion was turning out. "You say it as if we're going against strangers!"


"The only thing my dad has done is leave without telling anyone what he left for. And the difference between my dad and I now is making our intentions known."

It became quiet between us for some seconds. "After I told the Itasos what I was in Tepoztlan for, they became worried and tried to discourage me. Why won't my father leave without telling others what he's going for when he tells them they'll discourage him? I plan to help my father with whatever he came here for."

"As far as it's legal," Oliver added and I glared at him. "I don't want you to go to prison, it doesn't fit you."

Smiling, I shook my head and looked away. Rodas returned some minutes later.

"Rodas? Did you see anyone else in the woods today?"

"No," Rodas shook his head. "Why do you ask? Were you there?"

"Yes, and I thought I saw someone. Don't worry, it's probably my imagination. I've been spending a lot of time looking at people's shadows at night."

We both laughed and went to have breakfast.

In the evening, Oliver made some coffee and we carried it along to the mountain. There was a narrow stream we normally passed by when going up the mountain. I slipped and fell into the stream, getting soaked. Oliver helped me stand but my ankle felt broken. Groaning, I tried to remain standing but saw myself falling instead. Oliver quickly caught me.

"I think your ankle was affected by that fall."

I glared at him, "You think?" I asked, trying not to cry.

"Here, let me help you," he bends a little so I could cross my hand over his shoulder. He held onto my right hand crossed over his shoulder and used his left to support me by the waist. I followed him, leaping on one foot.

"Sure you don't want us to go back home?"

"No, I can manage. I'm just a little nervous that's all."

When we got to our hiding spot, Oliver helped me lean on a tree and went to spread a cloth on the ground for us to sit. He remained standing for about a minute, scanning the area. Thankfully, the moonlight made things easier.

I sat with my good leg folded up and the other one lying straight on the ground. My ankle looked good but it didn't feel good at all. After some time I joined Oliver to keep watch despite his protest.

It was cold and a bit dark. The wind made noises and the place remained devoid of any human presence except that of Oliver and I. My eyes felt heavy with sleep and I looked back at the empty plastic coffee cup lying on the ground.

"Next time, I'll bring three."

Oliver laughed at me and then frowned almost immediately. He pointed into the area. "There's someone there."

I followed the direction in which he was pointing and noticed two people standing in the dark. Just like the previous day, the second person was out of view. Straining my eyes, I tried to figure out who the second person was.  But the person was hidden, unlike Dad who was completely noticeable and in a serious conversation with this person.

The injury in my ankle sends a wave of pain through my leg and I stifle a groan. Holding onto Oliver's shoulder, I raised my leg from the ground completely and mistakenly hit a rock in the process. A gasp escapes from me and I quickly purse my lips to hold it in. Dad turns around immediately. He had heard me.

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