48. Love Meets Trouble

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Rodas and Mel joined me at the door and we walked together since the others had gone far already. They were escorting our guests to their car.

"I would miss this view," Rodas said.

"And your morning jog," I added.

"Yes, and my morning jog," he smiled fondly.

My phone rang as a call came in. It was Oliver. He wanted to know my whereabouts.

Not long after the call, we sighted the others in the distance. Later on, we met them at the clearing where the doctor's car was parked.

We bade them farewell and they drove off.

"Uh, you guys can go. Rufina and I would catch up with you guys later."

I looked up at him in surprise. Mum and Melisanda had already started leaving. I can't forget how Rodas winked at me before he joined them.

"You didn't tell me we were going somewhere."

"Well, now I'm telling you." He shrugged, smiling. He took my hand and led me away.

"So where are we going?"

"To our hiding spot."

I would've protested but I was already used to walking around the mountain at night. Old habits.

The moon was bright. It aided our vision as we strolled up the mountain.

"I bet you don't know your way around here anymore."

I turned to Oliver. "What do you mean? I do."

"You don't. I can bet my shoe on it."

I looked down at his shoe. "Not convincing."

"Hey!" He scolded and I laughed.

"If I'm able to get us to our former hiding spot, you owe me something. And not your shoe please."

he rolled his eyes and looked away. I wanted to prove myself to him and also win the bet so I took the lead as we walked. Finally, we arrived at our dear old hiding spot.

"Oh, how I miss the times we spent here together," I said, looking around the area before turning back to Oliverio. "Now, pay up."

He laughed, inserting his hand into his pocket.

I looked on in curiosity to see what he was going to give me in payment. He hadn't told me earlier so I was really curious.

"I'm waiting," I said impatiently, with an outstretched hand. "If that's money you got there, I hope it's a good amount," I teased him and he laughed.

"This is much more than money."

"No wonder it seems to be stuck in your pocket. What's taking you so long?" I laughed at the way he dug his hands into his pocket as though it was a very deep one.

"I hope you'll accept my pay when it comes."

I frowned at his statement. What could he mean? Unexpectedly, he went down on one knee. My eyes widened in surprise. I couldn't believe what was happening. I covered my mouth with my hands. Bringing his hand out of his pocket, he opened it to reveal a one-dollar bill. And just like that, he killed my morale. To think that I had already started to dream about the five kids we'd have together. I felt like pulling out all of his hair.

I looked at him in disbelief as he laughed at my expression.

"Really? A one-dollar bill?"

"Yeah, what were you expecting?"

Olifina: Love And Trouble Where stories live. Discover now