[chapter thirty four] broken promises

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Darkness. That was the last thing that Aires could remember before she was swept away by unconsciousness. Lots of darkness.

Ever since she was little she had feared the dark, not in the way that most children would though. She wasn't scared of the 'monsters' that would supposedly be living under her bed. She was scared of the sounds that followed in the dark. The footsteps on the creaky floorboard, the heavy breathing and the turn of the door handle.

"No." She whispered as her eyes fluttered open, seeing the darkness that wrapped around her.

She pushed herself onto her knees, ignoring the pounding sensation in her head and the throbbing pain coming from her stomach. Her hands searched around the floor frantically, desperate to find something that could bring light.

"No. There has to be something." She whispered to herself, sculpting backwards until her back hit a cold brick wall.

Slowly, she rose to her feet, clutching onto what felt like a wooden table for support. Her fingers brushed over a metal wire, bringing a new wave of hope. She spun around, her hands roaming all over the wall until her fingers flicked a switch, bringing back the light.

A heavy sigh fell from her lips as she slumped against the wall, as long as she was able to see she would be okay, she would be ready to kill whoever it was that kidnapped her. Aires hand travelled along her one white dress, finding it coated in blood around a deep stab wound.

When the coven tried to kill her they destroyed her vampire side, though she still had her witch side and magic. It was similar to what would happen if an alpha came very close to death, they would lose their power and turn into a beta. The only difference with Aires was that she would still be immortal, the original witches made sure that even if she was no longer a heretic she would still never be able to fully die. There would always be a way for her to live. The only downside to it all was that even though she wouldn't die, she would no longer heal like a vampire, meaning that every injury inflicted on her she would feel and have to wait for it to heal itself like a normal human.

Aires' eyes glanced at the blood now smeared on the wall and down to the pool of blood she had been lying in just moments before. A whimper echoed in the room, sending the girl on alert as she scharged around the corner.

"Oh my god." She whispered, staring at a tied up Boyd and Erica.

"I wouldn't go near them if I was you." Gerard's low voice echoed from the top of the stairs. "It's electrified."

"What the fuck are you doing to them, old man?" Aires spat, her voice slightly starting to rise.

"At the moment just keeping them comfortable. Theres no point torturing them, they wont give Derek up."

"And you think I will?" The girl replied with a smirk, becoming more amused by the minute.

"No, you're here to send a message to Scott McCall. When he finds you, and he will, he will rethink my offer more closely."

A small scoff fell from Aires lips, making her roll her eyes involuntarily. "Look, I hate to break it to you but I offered Scott an offer myself, one that he still hasn't taken up yet which means I'm gonna have to do what I warned him I would do."

"And what's that exactly?" Gerard asked, amused, smiling down at the girl from his place on the stairs.

"Kill everyone that crosses my path." She whispered, smirking at the Argent as his smile slowly started to fade. "I'm guessing Allison doesn't know I'm here? Should I make my presence known to her? You do realise I can move things with my mind right? Or did your family forget to fill you in on the fact that you just kidnapped a witch?"

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