Chapter 6: Fever dream (T)

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The Crown Prince was reported to be ill with fever and had not attended the Court session for a few days causing the officials to squabble and worry. Already at their throats over the impending tribute envoy's arrival from Shobu and the annual inspectorate review, they once again harassed the King with memorials insisting that he visit the concubines of his harem to produce more sons.

After the birth of the Crown Prince, the King's women had only produced three more children, all daughters: Princess Yuna, daughter of Queen Cho Ahnjong of Keungang; Princess Meihua, daughter of Consort Liwen Yue; and Princess Sarnai, daughter of Princess Qara of Kazarus. One other son had been born to a lower ranking concubine, but he had died in infancy under mysterious doubt a victim of harem intrigue.

At the moment, Xia couldn't care less about the King's sex life, as he was being thoroughly dressed down about his own.

"My Lord, if I knew that a little bit of play would make him ill, I..." he began, looking sheepish.

Lord Mu glowered at Xia, who immediately shut his mouth.

"I don't need to remind you that the Crown Prince is of a delicate constitution...and there were other factors contributing to his illness besides your lewdness and stupidity. Since he's now recovered, it doesn't concern me. However, I clearly instructed you to pick up Feiyan. It's your fault that she ended up in her current state."

Xia dropped his shoulders. Indeed, it was his fault...though not entirely.

"What's her situation now?" Xia asked quietly, trying to look contrite.

"Not good," Lord Mu said curtly.

Xia's mouth set in a thin line, wanting to deny responsibility in his normal flippant manner, but he had noticed the strain on his Lord's face. There was also a hollowing in the man's cheeks not quite concealed by the silver mask. In truth, Lord Mu looked exhausted. For these cracks to be showing so obviously in the Lord's demeanor meant that little Feiyan was truly in danger.

Of all the Shadows in the guard, only Feiyan hated inexplicable aversion that she'd had since childhood.

Gen had said that when they had pulled her body from the water prison, there had been ice in the pool. Her body had been stiff and white with no breath rising or falling from her chest. From the looks of it, she had deliberately slowed all her functions. Similar to hibernation, it was a practice that only those with high cultivation could do, but it was exceedingly dangerous. The King's guards who had come to retrieve her, had thought her dead.

Hajoon had been the one who brought her back to Lord Mu's manor, refusing to speak to Xia after the Royal Physician had come and gone with a sombre look on his face. The physician had waved his hand and left without answering anyone's questions while muttering furiously to himself. Then he had rushed off to the Royal infirmary to make tonics in the event the girl lived.

Lord Mu had attended Court as always, but he had spent every night since then watching over his unconscious daughter.

For now, all they could do was wait as Feiyan hung between life and death, caught up in a fevered dream world that only she could see.


"You are called Feiyan...?" asked a small high voice.

She opened her eyes and frowned.

Where am I...?

Feiyan looked up and realized that she was standing in the Crown Prince's room which was drenched in sunlight so bright she couldn't quite make out what was around her.

She squinted, but then smiled, shading her eyes with her hand.

That's's, we met for the first time...

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