Chapter 24: The End of the War (TM)

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The original version of this chapter contained rape in the latter half. The scene is detailed, and its intent is to show how deeply twisted Bai's feelings have become for Mu, but I was concerned that it would not make the site's contents guidelines. As such, it's has been removed from this version. If you are +18 and would like to read it, you can PM me.

Summer Palace, Kingdom of Moutan

1st year of Fusang, Late Summer 1463

Staying at the summer palace in the south, Prince Iseulbi and the younger Shadow guards could only wait for news as Shobu attacked Moutan in the spring of 1462. The war dragged on as spring became summer, then fall, and then the year turned again as the two kingdoms fought viciously. At points, Feiyan thought she could hear the clash of weapons and screams of dying men all the way to the south. She knew that she was imagining it, but her fear felt like a heavy stone had been swallowed into her chest.

And helplessly waiting for news was the hardest...especially since the news only became worse as the Shoban army unleased demons onto the battlefield.

Although he was at the center of the fighting, Lord Mu never failed to send news to Feiyan by bird, and she religiously stood in the courtyard at dawn every seven days waiting for her father's carrier hawk.

That morning, even before the hawk had flown away, Feiyan was twisting the code locks on the messenger cylinder and nearly ripped the letter out in her haste when it opened with a click. Unfolding the paper and scanning over her father's vigorous brush strokes, written in the Shadow guards specific code, the familiar scent of her father's specially blended ink stick made her hands tremble.

Iseulbi had come out with her this morning and he froze when she made a small cry and covered her mouth.

He saw that Feiyan had clenched the paper in her fist and that she was trying not to sob.

Xia who had rushed out from the dorms came to stand in front of her with a stunned expression, his face eyes brimming with tears. He was also holding a letter in his hand that had come separately. Xing was behind him with a solemn expression on his face.

"Your Highness...we have...visitors..." he said, quite grimly.

The Prince nodded, but his eyes were still on Feiyan.

"Xiao Yan?" Prince Iseulbi prompted her, fear written all over his face. From her earlier expression, he had already realized that the news from the capital was bad.

"Father writes...that Moon was killed in battle at Beichun river...we...we are suing for peace as the war is now lost," Feiyan whispered raggedly between sobs, her voice thick with grief as she passed the crumpled tear-stained letter to Prince Iseulbi. "I-I can't imagine what he must have felt writing this letter."

How he must have felt sending Moon to his could mortal men ever fight an army of demons? Father! Father!

Her heart broke wondering how he could bear his grief alone while she was here and unable to comfort him.

Scrubbing her gloved fist roughly over her eyes, Feiyan took a deep breath to try to calm herself, but she could not choke back the quaking sob in her voice.

Iseulbi looked shocked for only a moment, but then he carefully unfolded the crumped letter.

Xing and the others gathered around Feiyan as Iseulbi grimly scanned the contents for the details. He had already realized that the 'visitors' that Xing had referred to were probably members of the Royal Guard meant to escort them back to the capital.

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