Chapter 18: The Southern Lake Kingdom (M)

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Kingdom of Keungang

Summer, 1461

When the elegantly dressed, dark-haired man with the wide straw hat suddenly leapt onto their boat and tilted the brim to reveal a silver masked face and eerie blue eyes, Hajoon felt his entire body freeze up with fear.

Despite poling a boat into the middle of the waterway with a strength born of desperation, he and his mother had only just escaped the burning river village that had been their temporary home. While the dark clothed men who had broken into their shelter, were still pursuing them, he was suddenly confronted with the masked stranger.

Hajoon had lost count as to how many times he and his mother had encountered danger since his existence had been discovered in the brothel about a two months ago. Weakened by constant hunger and endless pursuit, Hajoon watched the village burn with a bitter look on his face. The pursuers never gave up. Even now, he could see them rushing along the banks on horseback, launching a spray of burning arrows.

The fire arrows were like a wall of blooming red flowers and just as Hajoon thought the burning projectiles would reach him and his mother, that person had shown up, sweeping a great wind before him, deflecting all the arrows harmlessly into the water.

Leisurely floating down onto the prow of the boat from where he'd been hidden in a nearby group of trees, the stranger had stood quite comfortably balanced as the small narrow craft tipped from side to side, rocking precariously as the men in pursuit continued to shoot their fire arrows, making the man sneer.

There were shouts of anger and frustration as he casually swept his arm again, deflecting another round like they were nothing but small sticks caught in a rushing wind.

"Hmmph...they don't know who they're dealing with..." he snorted with disdain.

Hajoon's mother simply gaped at the man, too overwhelmed to react.

Fortunately, by now they had reached the part where the river's mouth widened into the lake and therefore, they had made it safely out of the range of the arrows. Floating into the middle of the green blue lake, their pursuers would have to chase in boats, but Hajoon could not relax as there was still the matter of the powerful stranger.

From his clothes, Hajoon could tell that the person was rich, and from his ability to fly through the air, he also realized that the man was a martial arts master.

"It seems that you are in need of help," the stranger observed.

"Are you with them or against them?" demanded Hajoon.

"I just happened to pass by...would you prefer I leave?" asked the man, smirking.

"Hajoon!" his mother scolded, finally snapping out of her daze. "This person is our savior. Don't be rude."

"Savior or not, I don't understand his I don't trust him, Mother."

"Hmmmn. You're actually rather sharp for a brat who has only seen the inside of a brothel..."

"How did you...?"

The man chuckled.

"It's better that you don't know. However, I've come specially to take you to Moutan, Min Hajoon...but just you. Whether you trust me or not is up to you."

"He'll go with you," said Hajoon's mother promptly. Seeing a chance to save her son, she did not hesitate to agree, much to her son's horror.


"It's alright, Hajoon. If he meant to kill us, he wouldn't have intervened. Even if we are used by him, as long as he agrees to protect your life, then I'll agree."

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