Chapter 29: Tokens of Farewell

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When Feiyan exited the East Palace and turned down the avenue, she did not expect to see the King's eunuch, Byul, standing in the cold, waiting for her.

"Byul!" she said, trotting up to him with concern. She had known the kind old eunuch since childhood, and he was probably one of the few who knew that she shared a face with the Prince. Pulling her cloak from her shoulders, she wrapped it around the old man who was shivering under his robes. Smiling gently, he still tried to observe formalities of greeting, but Feiyan caught him to prevent his bow and patted his arm.

"No need..." said Feiyan.

This child has always been kind. As kind as the Prince...what a tragedy that her young life has been wasted like this...

"Thank you, Your Highness!" he said, clutching at the fur lined cloak.

"Byul, there's no need to stand here!" Feiyan chided. "Next time, just send a servant to the East Palace."

"Your Highness, I've not been waiting long, and I come at the behest of the King. Before you leave the palace, the King wishes to see you," he said, gesturing for her to follow. "We're only going into the garden here..." he said, pointing at the moon gate.

"You will not come in?" she asked, hesitating.

"The King would speak with you alone, your Highness...and this will need it for your journey," he said, putting it back about her shoulders.

"Byul...thank you..."

The eunuch simply bowed and took his leave.

When Feiyan entered the courtyard, she immediately realized that she was in the forbidden garden that had belonged to the King's mother. Xiao Jing Feng was standing in much the same place as he had the last time they'd encountered each other, but instead of a bowl of fish food, he carried a sword in a heavily scarred leather scabbard.

Eyeing it cautiously, Feiyan slowly approached the man who was her biological father.

"Mu Feiyan," the King said, acknowledging her presence. Similar to their last encounter, he was standing at the end of the bridge. Seeing her dressed as the Prince, he sighed ruefully.

Perhaps the curtness of the greeting stung her heart a little. Seeing that she was going off to die for the son he'd always prioritized over her, maybe a tiny part of her wished that the man in front of her would properly acknowledge her. That he had not done so didn't surprise her, but it was the taste of her own bitterness that did. Struck with wilfulness, she did not kneel, only following the level of courtesy required of a Prince when greeting the King.

"Your Majesty," she said as she bowed. Then she straightened and looked him square in the eye. She knew she was being childish, but after years of hiding herself and her feelings, she felt she was entitled to show a little dissatisfaction.

Xiao Jing Feng did not miss the implications of her bow or the proud tilt of her chin, but he only smiled, recalling another strong willed and spirted woman who had refused to be supressed.

"You remind me of my mother," he said to her, in less than formal speech. "Do you blame me for what's happened?"

"Your Majesty is the King of Moutan. This one doesn't have the qualifications to place blame."

"Is that so?" he huffed.

Huuh...what a child! She desperately wants to be acknowledged, but she rejects it at the same time. I suppose I deserve that having given up on her the day she was born.

Even though he knew he was not entitled to feel anything close to regret, his heart squeezed.

"Your Majesty, it has always been Feiyan's honour and glory to protect the Royal family of Moutan. I do not regret my decision to go to Shobu in place of the Prince," she said, eyes steady. "My only regret is leaving my Father and Xiao Feiyu."

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