Chapter 10: Reflections

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Since it wasn't likely for the regular palace guards to sense her presence, Feiyan didn't do too much to conceal her breath as she tapped from roof to roof. Although she had always been light-footed and it had become second nature to move like a touch of wind, she did not work too hard as she made her way from Lord Mu's residence in the outer precincts of the palace complex toward the East Palace.

As Grand Chancellor, Lord Mu was allowed to live within the palace, and in fact the Chancellor residence was connected by a small gate. It was unprecedented, but for whatever reason the King had bestowed the privilege, keeping his most trusted advisor close to him. It was also the cause of great suspicion and envy, and so for that reason very few knew about Feiyan's existence outside of her function as the Crown Prince's Shadow.

One day, I'd like to walk around the palace in broad daylight just as myself...not as the Crown Prince, but just the woman, Mu Feiyan.

Throwing a glance to the side, she slipped past the guard rotation and into the East Palace without betraying a hint of her presence, but she noted two of the King's own hidden guards as she passed into the East Palace garden. Feeling a little naughty, she waved at the place where they had concealed themselves and tried not to laugh when she heard a faint, but dissatisfied grunt. If they had not wanted her to hear it, the disapproving sound would have been inaudible and for that reason she grinned to herself.

The King's own hidden always sticks in their craw that the Shadows are allowed to move freely within the palace. How they must hate it...

Sighing softly, she was glad that she'd lost Hajoon on the way. He had insisted on following beside her for a time, but then split off, finally satisfied that she would get to her destination without issue.

A small part of her had wondered if she would have to change her working triad, but she had already decided against it. Even if the three of them had had this lapse, it was temporary. Hajoon's good sense would eventually prevail, and he would settle down. Of her two work partners, Hajoon was the steadier one. There was no need to aggravate things further. If she treated him like a problem, then it would simply beget more problems. The only thing to do now was to act like nothing had happened.

But I hate it...pretending like my heart is buried under a lake somewhere. Smile...Smile...if his Highness sees you like this, he will be sad. Besides, I must ask him about Xia.

Feiyan made a face, hearing a raised voice as she dropped into the Prince's courtyard.

"There's no time for that, your Highness! You must dress for court!" a maid cried as Feiyan slipped into the Prince's room. The maid was close to tears.

"I'm wearing this. What's wrong?" Xiao Feiyu asked blithely, twirling in a cherry blossom patterned dress. He smirked naughtily at the maid, standing before a full-length mirror.

Feiyan giggled.

How vain. He's different today. I haven't seen him smile so confidently in a long time. I hate to admit it, but Xia is good for him.

"Ah! My dear sister*, you've come!" he said, turning a brilliant smile on her.

She bowed and grinned at the affectionate greeting.

"Your Highness!"

"I see that you survived the water prison," he said with lips pursed and eyes narrowed.

"I know you're angry, but I see you survived your l—"

The Prince blushed crimson and clapped his hand over her mouth.


"Was it good?" she asked in a silky whisper, pulling his hand away. Her dark eyes sparked with mischief.

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