Chapter 20: Leaves Turning

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The long summer of Moutan was coming to an end. Although Seiren had enjoyed his time, and Pul perhaps less so, they would have to make the return journey through the Ushitora mountain range before the time of the autumn rains Shobans called murasame. The Ushitora was known for landslides in its lower reaches, and it would not be wise to leave any later in the year.

Feiyan was sitting in the Royal garden with Prince Iseulbi when he had told her that the Shoban envoys were leaving at the end of the week, and that he would be escorting them to the city gate.

"Father already told what are you trying to say?" she asked with a degree of petulance that was unlike her.

Both children were sitting side by side, heads tilted together, arms hanging lazily over the rail of the pavilion that was situated out in the middle of the garden's lake. It was a rare moment of respite where they weren't buried under their academic studies and Lord Mu had dismissed them early from their martial arts training.

Feiyan stuck her bottom lip out, looking a bit glum, as she stared out from the pavilion, chin propped on one arm.

"Well, you should accompany me to see them off, A'Yan," the Prince finally responded.

Feiyan turned her head to look at her Prince.

"What...Do you think that I will miss him, your Highness?" she asked, aggravated by the limpid look in his eyes and the faint smile on his lips.

"Will you?" her Prince teased, actually smiling. "And what 'him'? I was talking about the entire diplomatic contingent...who are you thinking about...?"

Ohh... she thought, as a pair of blue eyes flashed by her mind's eye.

"Did you secretly sneak off to play with Prince Seiren's page again? What would Lord Mu say if he knew?" the Prince teased.

"Your Highness!" she gritted, flushing. "Am I not allowed friends of my own? Must I share all my secrets with you?"

When did he find out?! she wondered, annoyed.

He snickered at her expression.

Seeing that he had embarrassed her, he changed the subject, purposefully hitting a different nerve:

"But perhaps with so many strays, Lord Mu doesn't mind. How is your new puppy from Keungang?"

"Y-You-! Whatever you may say about me, you can't say anything about Pul, Hajoon, or Father!" Feiyan gritted, clenching her fists until her fingerless leather gloves creaked.

"Ehh? This Prince isn't allowed to tease you? Oi! What's got into you: A gentleman uses his words not his fists*!" Iseulbi chided, calmly blocking the sudden chop that came flying towards his neck.

Feiyan ignored him, twisting her hand and sliding her wrist. The Prince snorted, but his own hand blocked, following her motions. They exchanged moves, motions blurring, until they came to a momentary impasse, their hands and arms locked together in a rectangular shape. In the next instant, they stood up and both twisted their bodies into the air. Breaking their holds on each other, they leapt apart and tapped down lightly on the railings of the pavilion.

Facing her from the opposite side of the pavilion, Iseulbi's lips tilted into a taunting smile. Feiyan's expression hardened in response and she stubbornly planted her back foot.

Neither of them usually showed their feelings so openly, having grown up in the palace already aware of the heavy burdens they would bear in life, but today their normal restraint lifted away like autumn leaves caught in a gust of wind.

"Since I'm not and will never be a gentleman...those words shouldn't apply to me," said Feiyan, looking irritated.

"The principle is the same, but if the word 'gentleman' offends you then I'm sorry..." the Prince said, sounding amused. He stood very poised, looking every inch a prince, with one hand at his waist and the other behind his back.

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