Chapter 12: Engagement Banquet

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Given the attack, the engagement banquet was delayed to the fifth day of the Shoban Prince's arrival in Moutan's capital. While Seiren and his men were treated for injuries, an investigation was initiated into the assassination attempt.

As the King of Moutan seemed sincere in his apologies and in his embarrassment about the incident, Seiren graciously brushed it off, promising that it would not affect relations between the two kingdoms. Instead, he was full of praise for the spectacular intervention of the Moutan shinobi * who had stepped in to assist him at the critical moment.

After being thrown from his horse, fourteen-year-old Pul, who was serving as his brother's page, thought he'd be killed under the stomping hooves of his brother's wounded horse, but he'd also been saved by the same tiny shinobi. Both brothers had wanted to express their gratitude directly, but they were only told that the child, who belonged to Grand Chancellor Mu, had been seriously injured and was now recovering.

Pul, seated with the rest of Prince Seiren's entourage in the great banquet hall, saw that his brother's fiancée, Princess Yuna, looked like a porcelain doll dressed in her heavy, but tiny brocade dress. Only five years old, she stared silent and wide-eyed at Seiren, who towered above her, probably not understanding a single thing that was happening as they were introduced for the first time.

Dressed handsomely in formal court robes, Seiren had recovered from the attack and looked cheerful despite being engaged to a child princess whose young age was only made more obvious by the ridiculous makeup that had been painted on her. He bowed to her after the introductions, kneeling down to speak so that he would not frighten her, and then gently took her hand to escort her back to her seat next to her nanny. Praising his exquisite manners, the Moutan court seemed very impressed with Prince Seiren's gentle gallantry and the tense awkwardness that had been present at the beginning of the banquet slowly began to dissipate.

"Wherever he goes, Prince Seiren catches the eye and captures the heart. Just with that gesture, he has changed the atmosphere of the entire room," observed Furusawa Ranmaru, one of his brother's older retainers. The bearded man smiled, fixing his gaze on the younger prince.

"Your brother is doing well. You would also do well to follow his lead."

"I am not my brother," Pul muttered, almost rude in his response, but his eyes were lowered.

A veiled look that Pul did not see passed over Furusawa's face.

"Indeed, you are not, your Highness..." the man responded before sipping his wine.

Pul's head snapped up and he glared sharply at the retainer who only smirked behind his cup.

Furusawa had hit a sore spot: Dark haired with piercing blue eyes, Seiren was Shobu's beloved jewel. Handsome, accomplished, and gentle, he had all the commanding presence of a Crown Prince and yet his calm and gracious nature charmed those around him. He always knew what to say and when to say it.

On the other hand, Pul, who was light haired and blue eyed, looked more like his mother who had been a Princess from the far west. Blunt and awkward, he had neither his brother's charisma, nor his poise. Regardless of the fact they looked nothing alike, Seiren's retainers had been specifically warned not to address the young second Prince of Shobu by his rank as it was not wise to let it be known that both of Princes were currently away from their homeland.

Nursing a dislocated shoulder and a bruised hip, Pul tried to hold in his temper at Furusawa's jab and his sense of disgust at his brother's engagement. Even though Seiren was not opposed to the alliance in principle, and certainly Princess Yuna would not be sent to Shobu until she was of age, Pul felt that Xiao Jing Feng's willingness to barter with his daughter rather than with a trade agreement stunk of weakness. He was also still seething from the attempt on his brother's life, suspicious of Moutan's motives, but Seiren had asked him for his patience during their discussion the night before.

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