Chapter 27: Tiger with the Purple Eyes

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Kingdom of Moutan

1st Year of Yingyong, Spring 1472

Three days before they were to leave, Hajoon was summoned before the Queen of Moutan, a meeting that he didn't want, but he couldn't avoid.

"Are you aggrieved?" asked Cho Ahnjong, measuring his expression as her maid poured them tea.

Not beating around the bush, I see...Well, that should make things easier...

"Why would I be, your Majesty?" asked Hajoon. "In the end, I'm living as I wanted," he laughed. "Just like your brother."

Insolent, she thought, to speak of the King of Keungang in that manner.

For a moment, he raised his head and stared boldly into her face. His gaze was direct and held no trace of challenge in them, but she found the serenity in the deep purple eyes mocked her own state of mind. Those jewelled eyes seemed to say: You and your brother come from an usurper's line.

The purple eyes of the Royal family of Keungang only passed on to male descendants, a peculiar gift from their Tiger god ancestor. The deeper the shade, the closer the affinity to the god. Even if they had harems, the Kings of Keungang were known for their forays amongst the common women. Thus, it was not unusual for a purple eyed boy to show up occasionally, though these children were usually dealt with before they were noticed, or they were hidden away for later use. Cho Anjohng thought it was a shame that Hajoon had escaped the last great cull.

The Queen prevented herself from gnawing at her lip as she stared at the young man before her. Both her father and brother had had to find an expert to colour their light irises a deep purple using a secret needle technique. It had been painful and had almost blinded her brother, and yet, Mu Hajoon had grown up with dark purple eyes and features that made him look far more like her grandfather than she was willing to admit.

Why is it that the Tiger god's blood runs purer in this discarded bastard seed?

"I wish you had died in the brothel you were born in, but this isn't bad. You seem resigned to your current situation," she said, matching his provocation by returning the favour.

His expression remained the same.

"I admit that I'm not without resentment, but then your father, followed by your brother spent years trying to kill me while I was in Keungang. Their enemies spent years trying to use me. When Lord Mu took me in, I was able to live a life free of all that and I will follow my own wish until I die."

"Which is...?"

"To protect a person."

For a moment there was a flicker of rage in the Queen's eyes. Her lips curled into a sneer.

"Person? Does a dog count as a person?" she asked, her voice lashing at him with high contempt.

"Do you think that everyone is blind, your Majesty?" he retorted sharply.

They glared at each other.

"In this palace, only a fool would say that he isn't blind," she answered, after a pause, hiding her clenched fist.

Calm down. Don't get angry. He's only a walking corpse.


"You speak boldly for a man who is about to die."

He smiled suddenly with real humour, and she was annoyed to find that this nephew* was more handsome than she initially thought.

He shrugged.

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