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It was a peaceful day in LA. It was noon I think since I don't have a phone nor watch to tell the time but had to learn by using astronomy. The fire was keeping me warm in this somewhat cold weather.

"Canary!" Joe, one of the other homeless guys called out.

That's me... well not canary. I go by Song Bird.

"Nah, Joe. It's Song Bird." James corrected.

Currently I'm in a small village with other homeless people like me. I approached the both brothers who are both are like mayors of this tiny village.

"What's up?" I asked.

"Judy and Elijah ran off again."

Again? Those two kids.


"Yeah... wives are worried sick."

I sighed. Of course they ask me. The kids look up to me as a big sister.

"I'll go find them."

"Thank you... We owe you one."

I slowly nod. I would eventually I know you're probably wondering why I'm homeless... it's complicated. But I enjoy it and being a nomad traveling every state and seeing everything... singing and playing my guitar that was given by one an old friend before they passed... I looked up to the skies for a moment.

Rest In Peace, Jon... I thought to myself as I would keep walking, calling out Judy's and Elijah's name.


I had just finished recording today with the group since my car is in repairs right now, I've been either using a bus or the other costars drive me home. I would pull out my phone and then check until I heard... singing? I looked up.

I saw a girl whom almost looked slim, dirty, clothes looked torn, dirty, and very old. She was sitting down with the two kids. She was across the street and I can only see so far. I squinted a bit to try get a better look.

"With nothin' on my back but a guitar and a smile
Chasin' a dream only fools like me would follow." The girl would sing perfectly.

I had to talk to her and compliment her voice... strike a conversation. But in a instant: she was gone. I had to see her again.


After bringing back Judy and Elijah back, I figured to head to my tent. The two rascals were trying to help me get a job at some music theater and help me get my dream of being a singer. They did give me a pamphlet of the theatre. I would head inside and zip it up but only leave a gap of air for me to breathe in. The tent is my temporarily home with an air mattress and few necessities (lantern, a bag for the tent, a gas stove, some canned food, and my journal) including my guitar.

"Amara! Amara!" The voices cried out from outside my tent. I had just opened my journal and put it down to zip down the opening.

Little Judy and Elijah walks in.

"Hey where are your manners?" I scold.

"Sorry Miss Amara." They said in synch.

I've known these kids for about a month since I've been here. Their parents had lost their jobs over drug and gambling addiction and they always left me to babysit the little two. I can see why they look up to me. That's why I haven't bother to leave... despite being a nomad.

Mystery Girl || Xolo Maridueña x OC *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now