"Chapter Fifteen"

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The next few hours I woke up from my nap and saw that my stand is filled with flowers, balloons, and everything. I saw a card and tried to reach for it and eventually grabbed it.

Hello, Amara!

We heard what has happened to you and want to wish you a speedy recovery and hope to meet you in person.

Cobra Kai team

I also saw a huge sheet of paper with "Get Well Soon," as well and I grabbed it. Each member of the cast and I recognize Xolo's, Jacob's, Mary's, and Peyton's handwritings. I feel so warm and flattered that despite I haven't most of the cast and team, they actually signed and left sweet notes.

"Hey..." A soft voice greets.

I looked up and it was Micaela again.

"Micaela? I thought it's not visiting hours."

"You know how it is." She said with a small laugh.

Jon's family always lied about me being part of the family to everyone. As I said: they don't believe I need adoption papers to be in their family.

"Look who I brought with me." She paused, "Girls come see Aunty Amara!" She called out.

Jodie and Jamie slowly walked in. God... I just remember them being born and now they're four year olds.

"Hi, Jode and Jam." I said using the nicknames I have to them since they were babies.

They smiled for a moment.

"Aunty!" Jodie cried first before the twins hugged me tight.

"I'm surprised the twins remember me even though they were toddlers last I seen them."

"I always made sure they wouldn't forget you." Micaela said with a warm smile, "Isn't that right, girls?"

"Yeah! Mom would always tell stories!"

"About the lost girl with a big dream and grandpa taking her in!"

They're cuter than I remembered.

"And... I want you to meet someone too." Micaela awkward said as a man walked in.

"You must be the famous Amara that I've heard highly about." The man said with a smile.

"This is Leo, my husband.."

Leo held out his hand as I shook it.

The twins still had not let me go.

"So... where have you been these past few years? You had mom and I worried sick." Micaela began.

"Well... you know me. I was a nomad."

"What's a nomad?" The twins asked.

"It's like a person with no home and they travel a lot."

"No home?"

"How do you survive?"

I smiled as I looked at the twins using my hands to cup both of their cheeks.

"With the money I save to travel, eat, and such."

"That must've been interesting." Leo joined in.

"It is..."

I have to admit it: I do miss traveling and I know if Xolo didn't stop me then, I wouldn't be in this hospital right now and possibly either in Nevada or Arizona right now. I told the story with the adults and the twins somewhat listening and reading through children's books they got from a nurse.

Micaela smiled at the end.

"I'm glad you were able to find someone who loved you."

"He's definitely a keeper if he had to delay his trip for you."

Yeah I needed that after my brain went to doubtful mode. I'm still doubtful about the whole thing though. I never had a relationship and never had it go long distance at all.

"He's like a Prince Charming!" Jamie chirped as Jodie laughed.

"Anyways what about you, Mic? How did you and Leo meet?"

The two looked at each other lovingly. They told their story about how they met and it was pretty romantic. It made me think of Xolo...

"Anyways, babe. I'll let you two catch up some more." Leo paused turning towards the twins, "Let's take you two home."

The girls made "aww."

"I wanna stay with mommy and Aunty Amara!"
One of them whined.

"Don't worry," I reassured them, "Maybe tomorrow you can see me... depending how I feel."

The twins smiled in reply before giving me one last hug before leaving with Leo.

"So... how has been Laura hanging?"

"She didn't take you just leaving suddenly well. She had to deal with dad's death and you going missing in the same week."

I felt bad... I know I wasn't in the right mindset. I couldn't handle his death and my only option was to run away from my problems.

"I... I know I'm two years late but I'm sorry." I bite my lower lip, anticipating for Micaela to snap.

"Definitely too late but..." Micaela sighed, "we're just glad you're alive, safe... and happy with that boyfriend of yours." She made a small smile.

I smiled a bit for a moment. What Betsy said is still repeating on my mind but I'll need to ask her about it when the timing is right.

"...And I'm assuming you're familiar of him?"

"Kinda of. I remembered the movies and dad was obsessed."

Sounds right about Jon. The show would've definitely fit to his taste. Hell I can imagine Jon offering to be in the show as a side character.


Aw fuck it.

"Micaela... I've uh... overheard."

"Overheard what?"

"...About how you and Laura opened a studio as a tribute for me-"

Micaela then remembered and her face lit up.

"After Jon's funeral, Mom and I tried our best to find you. But you left your old phone and everything back at home. So mom had an idea to open a studio up for kids and everyone with dreams like yours..." Micaela went on as she scoots her chair closer to me as she held my hand gently, "In your name."

"In my name?" I asked in a soft voice.

"In your name."

Micaela pulled out her phone and was doing something before showing me it. The studio was called "SongBird's Studios" and it had a unique symbol. So... not exactly in my name. But still-

"Why do you ask?"

I bite my lower lip.

"You see: I was wondering if I can be a singer there... I want to finally become a singer."

Micaela's face lit up once again.

"You don't even have to ask. I can get you a manager as soon you recover!" Michaela chirped.

This definitely made my day. But.... There's one thing I want to do beforehand.



"When I get out... can you take me to see Jon?" I softly asked.

"Of course..."

...I need to get some closure.

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