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After some playing, Jacob had to do some stuff and left me alone... finally. I was able to leave the house and keep my identity a secret. I wasn't going far...

Okay maybe to see the village... if it's around still then maybe visit Jon's grave alone.

"Here we are," The Uber driver says with a professional smile. I would pay and then get out.

I would wander and then... it's empty. Huh. I guess what Betsy said was true of the village not existing anymore. The only thing that I can tell is the spot on the ground where the campfire used to be. But I'm not distraught or upset. I needed to see this place one last final time.

"...Figured you'd be here." A familiar voice spoke.

"Who said that?" I said, now scared as I was about to reach in my purse.

"Easy, Amara." The silhouette gets closer...

It was Diana.

"Diana." I said now relieved.

I haven't seen her since I was in the hospital. It's good to see a familiar face like hers.

"What are you doing here?"

"I sometimes come here to reminiscence. You?" Diana curiously asked.

"Just figured to reminiscence as well."

Diana warmly smiled.

"How you recovering?"

"Well... just getting there."

Diana nods.

"Yeah you were badly beaten and more injured than me." She said, nodding.

"Where did you go to when you were discharged?"

"Well... after meeting Jon's family seeing how they also covered my hospital bill, Michaela helped me get a small job as an substitute art teacher."

Ha... hermit got her dreams... sort of.

"I never did get to apologize for months ago."

"No... it's okay. I was very mad and never let you spoke your side of the story."

"You had every right to be mad."

I slowly nod.

"Well.. do you want to come over to my place instead?"

"Sure. I do need to use an cover story saying I went to the store and we ran into each other to Jacob." I explained as Diana nods and I pulled up Jacob's number.

Hey, Jacob. Went to the store to get some snacks and ran into Diana. I'll be at her place to catch up.

I hit send as Diana leads me to her car that's she renting for a bit.


After a long and quiet drive, Diana took me to an apartment. It was somewhat small and only had two bedrooms and a bathroom but she explained that she didn't want to be spoiled with the money Laura and Michaela give to her. 

"So why the two bedrooms?" I curiously asked.

Diana awkwardly smiled.

"You see..." Diana awkwardly begins, "I had adopted Elijah and Judy. I just can't let those two be with another family... hell they would've hated it and come running to me or try to find you." Diana said.

Sounds about right with the two little rascals. After the pain they went through they wouldn't like a whole new family at first. But... I'm glad. I guess that also answered my longtime question of what happened to them.

Mystery Girl || Xolo Maridueña x OC *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now