"Chapter Two"

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Next day I didn't have to be part of production. I figured to stay home and do things around the house... but that songbird girl is still on my mind. I'll admit: she did have a nice voice but I've have so many questions. What is her name? What is her relationship to the kids? Where is she from?... Okay, Xolo. Don't dwell on this too much. It's just one girl that you'll probably never see again... especially those two kids.

I collapsed into my bed. Ugh. Why am I getting riled up over one girl? I really don't like her despite what Jacob says. I'm all for personality instead of looks. Maybe I'm all riled up is because I lost the chance to strike a conversation, make friends with her.... but I can't give up. I assume the kids gave her the pamphlet and explained everything.

But... I need to stay determined. Despite not having luck. She has no paper trail. Not a single trace everywhere.... Then again I don't know her full name. That would've definitely minimize the searching by a lot. I only took a deep sigh before dozing off.


Next morning, I woke up to see Diana in my tent. We really did stay up talking and venting our problems.

"Di..." I said her name, gently shaking her.

Diana didn't move.

"Di... wake up."

Diana woke up finally, rubbing her eyes.

"Hey... sorry to wake you. I didn't expect for us to fall asleep."

Diana nods before grabbing her notepad and pencil.

I know. I didn't realize it until you woke me up...

I saw the awkward grin and I chuckled. Because all of us are homeless and our village is just tents that we all own, we don't really do much other than beg for food, water... money... hell if you're lucky: a nice family or group of people would even invite you with them for a meal or clothes. I know today is my last day here. I want to make the best of it. Even though I imagine the kids are still upset... so I'm left with Diana, Betsy...

"Di, have you seen Betsy?"

Diana thought for a moment before writing down.

She's probably at her spot.

I nod as I got out of the tent, Diana and I crawled out before I told her I'll be right back. Deep within the abandoned park, Betsy was in her rocking chair and with her tent. She had her shotgun in hands.

"Betsy...?" I said cautiously. The old woman still was asleep.

"Betsy... It's Amara." I said.

No response. Should I be worried? I gently tapped her. That started her awake and had her shotgun aimed at me. I immediately put my hands in the air. Once she realized it was me, she puts it down.

"Jesus, child. You could've gotten shot." Betsy said shaking her head.

"I just wanna say something..."

She read my mind.

"I know. You entrust me and hermit to watch over the little ones." She grinned.

Mystery Girl || Xolo Maridueña x OC *COMPLETED*Where stories live. Discover now