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Earlier the next day, I was neatly dressed in one of my best clothes, because I knew that first impression always counts.

I wore a black long sleeve Polo shirt on a brown trouser.

The sky still looked gloomy, as the sun was still sleeping. I wanted to get there before the cock crowed, which I think I did.

Medusa must be ashamed right now.

"Hey! Stop right there gentleman." The young one among the two men shouted.

The two men approached me as soon as I was some few steps closer to the entrance of the house.

"Did I just speak spanish?" The younger man whose name appeared on his attire as Bongo Roared, because I was still walking towards them.

They both wore a similar attire of the same colour. It was a green shirt on a long Khaki trouser for the young man, but the old man was in Khaki shorts which looked a little faded.

"Why are you still walking towards us even after we asked you to stop?" The elder man whose name also appeared on his shirt as Appiah inquired.
They met me midway to the entrance and asked of my mission for being there on that early morning.

"Sorry for the nuisance this morning sir." I pleaded, as I spoke directly to Appiah who looked a little friendlier as compared to Bongo looking all moody.

"I got a job here yesterday as the security post boy, and was asked to be here early this morning." I said sounding respectful.

"I'm sure I'm in the right house because I followed every detail of the location I received yesterday."

The two men isolated themselves for a while and had a little chat before finally getting back to me.

"Follow me." Appiah said.

I immediately took what I called my tool bag from the floor and turn to follow Appiah.

Well I had to keep a tool bag everywhere I went, as I did not know the specific job I might get at that location.

"Hey wait, what exactly is in that bag?" Bongo asked.

"It's a tool bag sir." I said lifting it up for him to have a proper look.

Appiah tilted his head sideways and raised his thick eyebrow.

"Tool bag? Containing which tools exactly; fishing tools, carpentry tools, or plumbing tools?" Appiah curiously asked.

"It contains...."
Bongo interrupted my speech and proceeded to check the bag for himself.
He chuckled for a while before he finally spoke.

"You call toothpaste, toothbrush, a bottle of water and a half loaf of bread tools?"

They both couldn't resist but laugh hysterically.
It didn't really seem funny to me but I just laughed along.

I had a different mindset coming to that house. I somehow knew I was going to stay in the house, that's why I packed those 'tools' instead.

If you're wondering, that's called FAITH.

"Anyway, pick up your 'Tool bag' and let's go" Appiah said and led the way as I followed.

I followed them to the corridor, where a man sat drinking coffee and reading a graphic.

"Good morning boss." Appiah said.

"And who's this?" The man asked, and watched me from top to down and from down to top.

I've never heard this response to an early morning greeting before. I thought in my head. I hope they didn't hear it.

I stood there in a diffident posture, and stared blankly at the tilled floor praying what I thought in my head wasn't heard by them.

Appiah finally spoke up, that was when I realized I was safe, the thought didn't come out as actual words this time.

"Boss, this is the guy you asked yesterday to come and guard the gate."

Mr. Agyemang placed his cup of coffee down and finally stood to properly examine my physical features.

His face was clean-shaven, possibly bald because he had little or no hair on his head. He looked stout and had a pot-belly, and was still dressed in his pyjamas.

"Okay, show him around." he requested after carefully considering my promising stature.
Yeah, very promising.

"Sure sir." Appiah replied and led the way out of the corridor.

They gave me a quick tour into the house and showed me things I'll be working on.

I must say that was the most beautiful house I had ever seen.

I used that opportunity to really admire the beauty of the house. The garage was filled with two cars, one which looked like a ford and the other one a Benz.

The compound was big, filled with flowers of all colors and were properly trimmed. I also noticed there was a swimming pool just around the entrance but it was covered.

The dirt on the cover showed it hadn't been used in a while.

I was taken to the backyard which had a small but beautiful garden filled with all kinds of vegetables; carrots,tomatoes,pepper, lettuce etc.

I took my time to carefully observe the entrance and exit of every corner and room we entered.

After the tour, I was given an attire which was similar to the one the men were wearing.
It was a long Khaki trouser just like the one Bongo had.

"You can go and get the rest of your tools from wherever you used to stay now." Appiah laughed.

"You have been given a room here to stay and work." said Appiah at the end of the house tour.

"Yes sir, Thank you very much." I said and left immediately.

I guess my FAITH did work for me.

I immediately went for the few belongings(tools) I had left, including my books from my old room. Was that even a room?

"Today has been a great day for me" I said to myself at the end of the day, and slept peacefully in my new room, which was a little bigger, nicer and cozier than my old room.

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