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He continued.

"From the conversation, I think Daisy initially had no idea about what was going on, so she asked the guy whose name I got to know was Clement. Clement explained to Daisy all about the business partnership between J.K, Daisy's father and Clement's father whose name I heard was Pablo." I interrupted.

"Pablo? I've heard that name before." I narrowed my eyebrow.

"The business was illegal which included mostly child trafficking, selling illegal drugs such as cocaine, marijuana. They also engaged in internet fraud which was done by a group of boys they had specially trained. Due to this illegal means of earning money, they couldn't save it at the bank so they were saving it at a place only the three business men knew of."

"But J.K betrayed them and changed the key combination to the money hiding location so the other men Pablo and Mr.Agyemang couldn't get access to the place. J.K refused to let them share the money equally as he claimed most of the job was done by his men. Finally, he changed both the money hiding location and the key combination to open the place."

"When the two men heard about this, they were angry and kidnapped J.K's only son, threatening to kill him if J.K refused to lead them to the new location where they can share the money equally among themselves. Even though J.K loved his only son who was very young, he still didn't give in to their threats. The war between this three men took to another level when after several threats and warnings, J.K still didn't return the money. Pablo and Mr.Agyemang killed J.K's only son and sent his body to him with the message, 'we're coming for your wife next'."

"They killed his son?" I shouted.

"Not just his son, they killed his wife too."

"What! His wife was also killed?"

"That's what I just said."

"That will explain the woman and the boy dead with their head off, hidden at the booth of Mr.Agyemang's friend's car while I was working in their house." I concluded.

"You worked with her father and you never knew her?"

"She was kidnapped before I started to work in the house." I said firmly.

"I'm finally putting the pieces together." I gloated.

"So what happened after?"

Thomas gulped down the water from the bottle before speaking.

"J.K was very angry and decided to take revenge for the death of his only son. That was when Daisy realized why she was kidnapped and molested by his father's friend. Clement also told Daisy about how he was also kidnapped by J.K's men but had managed to escape.

"He told Daisy about how J.K got everyone believing Daisy was dead. This got Mr.Agyemang and Pablo very angry that they took it personally on J.K by capturing him and beating him till he couldn't even remember his name. Even after that, J.K still refused to tell them where he had hidden all the money and the password to the lockers." he let out a long breath and twisted the wedding ring on his finger.

"So how did everyone get to know about the book?" I inquired.

"In Clement's own words, he said, 'The only thing J.K said was 'To hide something very precious from a black man, let it be in a book' and he died.' So that was how they got to know J.K had hidden every information in his favorite book which was nowhere to be found. And that was when you came into the conversation."

"Me?" I interrupted.


"Daisy told Clement every information she had deciphered from the book with you." He scratched his nose.

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