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The night sky was aglow with bright city lights. John played soothing and and relaxing music all through the ride. Perfect by Ed sheeran was on repeat almost throughout the ride as Daisy requested.

Happiness radiated through her immediately the ride ended, as she realized we were at the cinema.

Joy ripped through her even more seeing they'll be premiering a movie she had anticipated for a long time, 'Clouds'. The name of the movie and pictures of the Actors appeared on the giant digital Billboard in front of us.

Well my idol Jack also needs to come and learn from me. She looked happy being there.

​"OMG! I had been waiting for this Movie even before I was kid......" She stopped, not finishing what she was about to say.

I immediately realized what she was going to say next, but John had a look of confusion on his face.

​"Oh wow! Then I guess we're going to enjoy it." I chimed in trying to to bring her focus back to the movie, and not on her past.

I purchased two tickets and we both entered the cinema hall.

The cinema hall was almost packed to it's full capacity and we sat down at the centre row. My last time at the cinema, I realized that at the front, we will be too close to the screen and at the back there will too many heads and seats in front of us.

I bet Jack doesn't know this either. I'm truly leading the race.

We grabbed some Popcorn just at the entrance and sat next to each other.

Everything was set, the place was very quiet and the only lights we could see was from the screen. The atmosphere was just perfect I should say.

Halfway through the movie, you could see peoples faces turn puffy and their eyes red. Drooping shoulders and sagging postures everywhere in the cinema hall. You could even see makeups of some girls running down their face.

It was like the emotions of the characters seem to come right through the screen and clouding everyone around including myself.

It was an emotional movie about an 18 years old boy who died of cancer, but before he died, he sang a song which became a hit worldwide and had a love life. His parents, family and friends were shattered by his death.

Even though most of the people seated including myself, were feeling the emotions and pains of the characters, no one felt it more than Daisy. The bridge of her nose started to tingle. It was like her eyes started to sting, as she constantly touched it, and soon she was bawling like a baby.

​"Daisy, what's wrong?" I held her hands and gently squeezed it.

Her eyes swam with tears, she tried to fight it but it run down her cheeks.

​"My mum also died of cancer some few years ago." Her voice broke as she spoke.

She dig into her bag for tissue.

​"Do we still need to watch?" I asked still holding her left hand.

​"Of course." She replied immediately, forcing a smile. Her nostrils flared and she wiped it with a tissue.

​"I'm fine James. It's just that the movie is bringing back memories." she said, as she realized I didn't turn to watch the movie again, my gaze solely on her.

Daisy was fervid as she really related to the movie more, feeling every emotion from the characters.

I heard the man next to me fidgeting something to another man next to him. 'It's only a movie after all. It's not even real.'

I know he was indirectly referring to Daisy cry, but I didn't say anything.

I'm I a coward for not retaliating?. Should I have said something to show I cared about her, and would mess with anyone who messed with her?

It was the pictures and videos of the boy, Zach Sobiech at the last scene that made everyone realize the movie was truly a real life story.

You should have seen the look on the man's face when he realized it.

By the time we were done watching the movie, almost a pack of tissue had been used by Daisy.

After the movie, I stood there waiting for Daisy who was talking about the movie we just watched with some other girls around, who seemed to love everything about the movie too; from the cast to the to the the settings.

Daisy bid them goodbye and walked towards me, as I was waiting for her at the entrance.

Maybe she needed friends and family in her life to make her whole again. But she would always resist when I bring that topic up.

John was already waiting for us at the parking lot.
This time, Daisy sat in the front seat with John telling him all about the movie we had just watched.

​"I bet Daisy will tell the Hotel attendants about the movie." I said, trying to tease her about her obsession with the movie.

She turned towards me, tilted her head slightly and raised her eyebrow but didn't speak.

We all laughed.

Oh God I want more of this Daisy.

Maybe she was right about what she said. Maybe she didn't need therapy to feel better again. Well at least that's what I thought then.

She turned back to face John and all through the ride, she narrated every detail to John who also listened with interest.

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