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"Hello, please can you help me get to this location?" I asked.

The man stopped, and watched me from the bottom-up, just like any other person I have spoken to did. It seems that was the signature look they gave to all strangers at the roadside.

He gripped his bag firmly to his body, as if to send me a message.

Don't trust any stranger, yes that was the message.

Surprisingly, I got the message, and took some few steps backwards still showing the location to the man.

"Oh yes I know Chester city, the city of gold." his face brightened just at the mention of the name.

"Just take this bus." he pointed at a bus right in front of me which almost looked full. "It will take you to Labraska, and that's where you would get a car to the city of gold."

The names of the towns sounded too foreign. What's wrong with using local names? Or maybe the local names were for the local and poor neighbourhood while the rich had the amazing foreign names.

"You know, I once lived in Chester city with my family, and ..." The shouts from the driver's conductor interrupted.

"Just one more passenger left." The conductor repeatedly shouted.

"Sorry sir, I need to go, I might miss the last seat if I don't go."
"Thank you very much sir." I said and headed for the bus.

"You're welcome, Err.." I think he tried to mention my name but realized we've not exchange names yet.

The fetid smell of people's armpit hit my nostrils as I moved through the aisle of the Bus, trying to get to the only seat left at the back.

I could still see the man from where I was sitting in the car. The bag was no longer being suffocated under his armpit. The firm grip was loosened, as if to say, you're no stranger now, but I had already boarded the bus.

It was a long, boring journey. The bus was over speeding but no one seemed to care. If it could take us to our destination in the shortest possible time, who cared if it was over speeding. There were little or no cars on the road anyway.

The glaring sun fell on my face as I peeped my head through the half opened window. The wind blew on my face like the blast from a hair dryer, while it's constant whistle hit my eardrum.

The clamminess from the wind, caused me to doze off after some few minutes.

Before I drifted off to sleep, I saw the names of some towns we passed by. Too local I must say. I don't know if they do that intentionally, but how can you name a town 'Ashwedeakrom' which literally means sugarcane town.

We spent about an hour and half in the car and finally, we reached labraska.

I immediately felt the change in the once stimulating cool air.

I wasn't really deep in my sleep, and I could hear people packing their bags and getting down from the bus.

For some reason, I felt such ennui that I continued to sit, my eyes still closed and my head bent down.

"We have arrived at Labraska." The conductor shouted as if to clear the doubts on some peoples faces. People who were dumb enough not to have noticed the giant billboard with the name 'Labraska' written boldly on it.

Immediately I raised my head and opened my eyes, I saw the Bus conductor moving through the aisle with a jerky head movement towards me.

​"Hey! Young man, pack your things and get down we're moving ahead to the next destination." he shouted and held my shirt in an attempt to raise me up from my seat.

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