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Immediately I said that, I could see her facial expressions changing; her clenched jaw now relaxed, as she pressed her lips together. Like what I just said had moved her.

​"I just want to help you, Daisy." I rose from my seat and sat right next to her on the sofa.

She covered her eyes with her hand, like she was ashamed of her behaviour towards the only guy who genuinely wants to help her. That's me of course. No strings attached.

​"Before you lose the last modicum of trust you have for me, allow me to tell you whom I was speaking to and what we talked about."

She shoved her midnight-black hair back away from her face, and turned to face me. I could now see her beautiful almond-shaped eyes; the eyes I could watch all day if only she will allow me.

​"It was Dr. David Davidson. You remember him right?" I asked.

"Of course I do, how can anyone forget a weird name as that." She gave a half grin and I did too.

"I remembered today what he told me at the Hospital. He basically told me you'd behave this way."

​"This way? You mean like a bitch?" She raised an eyebrow.

Yeah, yeah something like that.

"I didn't say that." I raised my hands up in an I-beg-you pose, while shaking my head.

Daisy laughed, a warm, euphonious laugh, like honey oozing off a spoon.

We both laughed. That was the first laugh we shared together.

The first of myriads to come I guess.

Hope stabbed my heart making me believe I could get more of that laugh. Making me think I could see more of that smile.

And in that moment, I wished I was a comedian, like I would crack all the jokes in the world just to keep her laughing and smiling forever, because I knew that the more she smiled, the more I felt alive.

"He said all these are the effects of PTSD, which is......" Daisy stopped him.

​"No need to explain, James. I know all about PTSD, I was once a medical student." she rubbed her hands on her thighs.


"Yeah, really." she nodded and smiled again. She looked more beautiful when she smiled. No woman had the right to be that beautiful. I thought.

Oh God save my heart from sinking.

I leaned back in the sofa and raised my thick eyebrow, showing how surprised I was.

​"See..There's a whole lot I don't even know about my roomie." I smiled and her mouth curved into a smile too.

Oh God my heart is sinking so fast.

"I really want to help you Daisy." I leaned a little closer and took her soft hands in mine. She bent down her head but didn't move her hand.

​"So what did the weird-name Doctor suggest we do." she asked.

​​We? She really included me? Now that's the Daisy I want.

"He wants you to go for therapy." I said.

​"Therapy?" she rubbed her forehead.

"Yeah. He believes it will help you deal with the trauma, and improve your self-esteem."

​"Self-esteem? Like seriously?" she facepalmed.

"Not my words." I grinned.

Please stay like this for a long time, don't change your mood.

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