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I noticed immediately that it was the odd House among them. First of all, it was some few distance from all the other houses. The only sound you would hear are the irritating noise from the crickets in the nearby bushes.

The lights in front of the house also shone dimly unlike the rest which might burn your eyes if you looked for long.

But as oddly as it seemed, it was the biggest among the houses and would easily be the nicest if the front lights were bright enough. The gate in front of the house was also wider than the rest.

The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night.

I had to get the bags off my shoulders. I didn't want to appear as a hobo to him.

Well as I said earlier, first impression always counts.

I hid the bags in the nearby bush, but took the book with the card still in it just like I saw it on the ground.

"Bam, bam, bam." I knocked and waited.

I knocked on the aluminium gate once again but there was still no response. Unbeknown to me, there was a door bell just beside the gate.

"Aha! There's the door bell." I shouted with joy.

I pressed on it several times but no one responded. The weird thing was that, I could hear the buzzing sound of the bell in the house.

I wondered if anyone was in the house at all.

"Maybe they're busy and can't hear the bell. Let me try again." I said.

Or maybe they're ignoring you.

I tried once again and this time, I did both the knocking and the bell ringing together, but there was still no answer.

With a stoop posture, I sighed dejectedly and shook my head.

At this time, all hope was lost for me. I realized I needed another 360 degrees shift from my status quo.

There was no watch to check the time, but I knew it was getting late and had to go home.

Home! Where exactly is home? My evil inner voice asked and laughed.

With shuffling footsteps, I headed for my bag from where I had hidden it earlier; in the bush.

My sagging facial features, really showed how unhappy and disappointed I felt, as I was walking back to the bus station.

My energy and HOPE were atrophying faster than you can imagine.

I stood midway between the bus station and the house, thinking about how frivolous my efforts have been. I had boarded a car all the way here, hoping for the better, but all my efforts proved futile.

You're giving up now? Upon all the efforts you've made to finally get here. You know this might be your only chance of getting a place to stay for a while.

Go back and find a way to get inside the house. My good and supportive inner voice said, but this time, with a demanding tone.

"No, I can't give up now." I shouted.

This motivated me to go back and try again, and I walked back to the house.

I wondered how the lights from inside were still on, but no one was responding.

"Or maybe these lights have been on for days" I said after several knocks and door bell ringing without any answer.

I knew there was someone in the house, because I could hear music playing but not that loud.

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