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I got a little scared, but I continued with my work without questioning any other thing again. My work load reduced because Bongo finally took over the work of mowing the lawns.

This gave me some extra time within the day, and I decided to use that for reading. Specifically, the book I found on the street.

Immediately I started reading the book, I got to know that the author of the book which I still didn't know the full title was called Brian Tracy.

I also learnt from the introduction that the book was neither about food nor being a chef, but about avoiding procrastination and being productive within the day and this really got my attention.

Well book nerds like myself can be wrong sometimes.

Few minutes into my reading sabbatical, I got destructed by the horn of a car outside the house, and got up as fast as I could to get the gate opened.

The book fell and what looked like a credit card came out of it. I ignored it and went to open the gate.

Mr.Agyemang had returned from work which was unusual at that hour as he usually got back a little late into the night.

"Good evening sir" I greeted and smiled at him as usual.

"Evening? It's just a quatre after 12." he replied.

"My bad sir" I giggled.

"Whatever, just open the gate for me." he said with a piqued voice.

I quickly opened the gate and left his presence to avoid any other form of embarrassment.

I saw the card that came out of the book on the ground immediately I entered the room.

I picked it up from the ground to take a proper look at the gold-plated card in front of me. That was when I realized it was far from being an ATM card like I first thought, and neither was it a debit card.

There was no number at the front, but there was a number that looked like the owner's contact.

There was a mini chip at the center, which I think might contain some security information.

From the customization on the card, I knew there was something unique about it.

I thought to myself how special and important the card might be to the owner. I couldn't call the number because I didn't have a phone.

I finally educed the whole situation for a while and decided to return it as soon as I got the chance and continued with my reading.

For the next few days, I lived in peace in the house after Bongo explained the mystery behind the unusual silence in the house. It helped to clear all my doubts and worries.

Everything was working out fine until the master had two men equally his age mates come to visit him.

It was midnight when they arrived with each one coming in his own car. They horned non-stop for a minute or two before I woke up to get the gate with suspicion written all over my still-in-sleeping mode face.

What exactly are they doing here at this time of the day.

I couldn't just open the gate for them even though they were insisting that I did. I decided to wait for the master's command before letting them in.

Mr.Agyemang arrived from his room shortly after and asked me to open the gate for them, which I did without any further hesitation.

Earlier the next day, I got up to continue with my work as usual. I started with washing of the master's car which were now three including his friend's cars.

As I started to wash the visitor's cars, I wondered where exactly they had been to, because their cars were dirty as shit.

I whined.

I still had to wash it well, thinking I might attract a tip when they wake up to find their car as good as new.

How could I have known that will add up to the list of turning points in my life. I didn't know that will be the end of my stay in the house.

I quickly finished washing my masters car which I loved doing since the car was always neat, and not much work was to be done.

I bounced from foot to foot, drumming my feet against the floor as I hummed to a tune in my head while washing the cars.

When I started with the other cars, I was taken aback by what I saw.

"Is that blood?" I asked myself.

I gave an incredulous stare once again at the source of the blood droplets.

There were small drops of blood coming from the booth, and I was scared to open it.

"Let me wash the other car instead." I quavered.

The other car also had little drops of blood coming from the booth as well and out of curiosity, I opened the booth.

My eyes widened but I shut it very tight and gasped, as if what I had seen can be suddenly unseen when I open my eyes, but no, it was still there. And this time appearing crystal clear as ever.

"Jesus!" I shouted and fell on the ground.

Fear rippled through me, it felt like my heart had leaped into my throat. I trembled inside and was unable to rise up from the ground.

The shout was louder but not enough to be heard by anyone else since they were all deeply asleep.

My blood suddenly ran cold, as my heart pounded.
I saw a naked boy of about 12 years dead with his head halfway off the body. I pressed my hand to my mouth, smothering a scream.

With my breath busting in and out, I stood there shaking uncontrollably and wanted to run from the house immediately but was tempted to check the other car.

With the jot of courage left in me, I opened the other car slowly not to wake anyone up.

What I saw was more terrifying than I had seen earlier.

The second car had a woman of about 40 years naked and also killed with the head halfway off, the same signature cut, just like what they had done with the kid.

That was the most lurid and horrifying thing I had ever seen.

I thought I had seen the most nastiest way a person was killed when I saw my father being murdered, but after what I saw that morning, that came second to this.

"This is more than I can take for a day, months and even years." I wept.

I closed the door to the booths slowly and dashed into my room.

I took everything I owned from the room and run towards the exit.

"No.no.no." I shouted and run back to the room
I had to go back, as I forgot the book with the card in it.

I quickly got rid of my working attire because someone might recognize it in case I'm seen outside.

​I was successful changing my shirt. I got the book and headed for the exit once again.

I steadily opened the gate, avoiding as much sound as possible, and run with a speed, that you would think Usain bolt will be defeated in a 100m race against me.

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