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The relentless sun had almost gone to sleep when we arrived at the resort, and the evening sun cast long shadows on the ground. The winds blew around us lightly making the atmosphere a little warm, not too cold.

We were able to book a room, where we kept our bags, and after some minutes, we were served with rice and a hot pepper soup, with a lot of boiled, fresh sea fishes. We ate our food in silence, as we were both occupied by the sumptuous meal.

"So, what do you think of this place?" she wiped her mouth with the tissue.

"I'm enjoying it so far. Great choice of location I must say." I said and wiped my mouth too.

"I guess..." A knock on the wooden door interrupted her.

It was the same woman who came to serve us. She came for the empty dishes, and cleaned the small dinning table.

All this while, we both laid on our beds. We made sure to get a room which had two separate beds, just like our room at the Hotel.

From our view, we couldn't see the sea, but we could hear it crashing against the shore. We could also feel the wind blowing lightly on our body.

"James." Daisy called.

"Can we go for a night stroll?"

"Now?" I asked still staring through the window.

"Okay." I said.

The pale crescent moon shone brightly in the night sky.

We were met with the calm and soothing noise of the waves crashing against the shore. The winds were blowing lightly making the whether warmer.
Daisy and I first started exploring the beautiful scenery at the beach by walking barefooted on the sand at the shore. Listening and watching with an open heart and ear. The night sky was filled with blanket of stars that stretched to infinity.

Seeing the lovely sky, and feeling the gritty sand between my toes as we walked on the shores, brought a state of tranquility to me. I walked with a distant, unfocused smile.

"How cool is this place?" I said, still taking in deep breaths, and savoring the moment.

"I know right." She smiled and intertwined her right hand in my left hand.

Fifteen minutes into our night-beach stroll, we came to a part of the shore where we saw groups of people especially couples, sitting under tents, enjoying their drinks, and foods, everyone around beaming with smiles.

The tents were filled with candle lights running circles around the people in the tent.

"I think we should get a tent too." Daisy said and shoved her hands in the tinny pocket on her leggings.

"Anything Ma'am, you're in charge here" I said and smiled. She smiled too.

We ordered for the tents and drinks immediately, but she asked that they moved our tent to the other side of the shore, a few distant from where everyone else sat. She wanted us to have a quiet place to ourselves. A place we could still see the waves crashing at the shores.

Within some few minutes, everything was arranged just like she wanted. The candle lights circling around us in the small mini tent, our table was crowded with all kinds of drinks.

We enjoyed the warmness of the coconut juice running down through our throats, and the warmness of the cool blowing wind on our skin.

"I really love this location you chose, the beach." I took another sip of my coconut Juice.

"Well, ladies always know better" she said and tapped my shoulder, in a mocking way.

"Really? That's what you think?" I said defensively.

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