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Taehyung's pov

Four Weeks Later

I was still lying on my bedroom floor after hanging up with Baek-hyun, a guy I'd met at the supermarket last week. He'd called to tell me he was stuck at work and going to be an hour late for our second date, which was fine with me because I was tired and had no desire to get up anyway.

I hauled myself up off the carpet, freshened up my makeup, and poured a glass of wine before grabbing my laptop. I browsed the Seoul marketing job posts on websites for the sum total of five minutes before growing bored, and then I went on Facebook. As usual. Because job hunting sucks. Scrolling through my friends' posts, I saw the same old things-pictures of food, their kids, the lives they wanted us to believe they had. I sighed. A picture of a guy I went to middle school with cradling his newborn son popped up in my feed, and my mind immediately went to the man I hadn't gone to middle school with, Jeon Jungkook.

I'd thought about my fake classmate more often than I cared to admit over the last month.

This time when the man leaped into my thoughts, before I knew it, I was typing Jeon Jungkook into the Facebook search bar. My gasp was audible when his face popped up.God, he's even more gorgeous than I remembered. I clicked to enlarge the photo. He was dressed casually, wearing a white T-shirt, jeans with a rip at the knee, and black Chucks. It was a good look for him. After spending a full minute appreciating his sexy face, I zoomed in and noticed the emblem on his T-shirt: Iron Horse Gym. There was one on the same block as the restaurant where we'd met. I wondered if he lived nearby.

Unfortunately, I wouldn't find out. None of his bio was set to public. In fact, the only picture I could see was that one profile picture. I'd need to send him a friend request and have him accept if I wanted to see more. Although tempted, I decided against it. But that didn't stop me from screenshotting his photo so I could look at it again later.

After several more minutes of daydreaming about the man, I gave myself an adult pep talk.

You need to find a job. You need to find a job. You have only one week of work left after this one. Get your ass off of Facebook.

It worked, and for the next fifty minutes I scoured the help wanted ads for something-anything-that sounded remotely cosmetics-marketing related, or even just remotely interesting.

By the time my doorbell buzzed, I felt deflated about ever finding a job to replace the one I'd held for the last seven years and, until recently, loved.

Baek-hyun's kiss when I opened the door definitely went a long way toward changing my mood. It was only our second date, but he certainly had potential.

"Well, that was a nice hello," I breathed.

"I've been thinking about doing that all day."

I smiled up at him. "Come on in. I'm almost ready. I just need to get my phone from the charger."

He pointed to the front door after closing it behind him. "Did you have a break-in or something? What's with all the extra locks?"

My front door had a regular lock and three deadbolts. Normally, I would answer honestly and explain that I felt safer with an extra lock or two and leave it at that. But Baek-hyun wasn't most dates. He was really trying to get to know me, and if he pried further-as I worried he might-I'd be forced to open up about some things I wasn't ready to yet.

So I lied. "The building manager is big on security."

He nodded. "Well, that's good."

Baek-hyun stood as I walked over to shut my laptop. "By the way, who's the guy in your background?"

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