Chapter Five

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Chapter Five

Waking back up with a monitor strapped to me I looked around in confusion as I was still in my room, but now I was hooked up to something. Facepalming myself I realized how I blacked out not too long ago. Jax waltzed in and dropped whatever food he was carrying as he saw me awake. Rushing to my side he grabbed the edges of my face, "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I was only out for a little bit, Jax."

He let go of my face and snorted at my statement, "Gipsy, it's been three days."

Sitting up quickly I was rethinking all of my latest memories, "No, no it hasn't been three days. The first meeting was quite literally a couple hours ago, it was on the 10th." Grabbing my phone I saw that it was the 13th and I blinked and lowered myself back onto the sheets of my bed, "How was I out for three whole days?"

"Doctor Sun put you on some serious stuff to keep you knocked out, but comfortable. He said the first couple of days are the worst and it'll gradually get better for the next week and then you're ready to get pregnant."

A wave of pain and nausea hit me as I clutched the bed sheets out of anger while clenching my jaw to keep myself from throwing up. Jax sat across the room and ate his meal quickly then sat next to me on a chair beside the bed. Shuffling around I couldn't get comfortable in my bed to save my life, and with a groan I looked at Jax, "Um, I'm sorry to be so demanding but lay in the bed so I can be comfortable."

Jax threw me a side-glance and smirked towards me, "Amor, I would love to but you're sweating up the sheets. And who knows, this might end up where we doing something else."

"No, Jax, it won't. I just want to be fucking comfortable so I can eat and then possibly go back to sleep so get on the bed." I opened the sheets and he chuckled at me while sliding into the bed. Wrapping an arm around me I felt my lingering sense of pain dwindle into a more dull pain that was very manageable.

After a big wave of pain hit me like a bag of rocks Jax was there to comfort me and help me ride out of the pain. God, I am so thankful for this man to be here right now and I swear if something happens to him I'm going to curse the Moon Goddess and spite her. Dr. Sun came into the room and smiled at me, "Well, hello there trooper. How're you with the whole preheat fiasco?"

"I'm not too bad doc, especially since Jax is here to help me out."

Doctor Sun nodded his head while checking my vitals, "So sorry you had to be out for three days, but I figured it'd be better than you writhing in complete pain and not getting relief..." he paused and looked at me and Jax, "Well, I don't know actually. Jax is a ladies man and might have--"

Jax growled at Doctor Sun and he quickly stopped his train of thought as he laughed nervously towards us, "Anyway, I will bring you some ice packets, Gipsy and we will put them on you to get your temperature a bit better. Unfortunately, generic pain medicine won't help with your temperature but we will manage."

Doctor Sun quickly left and I swung my head around to Jax, "Quite the ladies man, huh?"

Jax scoffed and sat up from where we were laying down, "Don't act all innocent, Gipsy. I heard from your father how you've been fucking the Alpha of your pack. What's his name? Blake, is it?"

"That is none of your concern, Jax." I sternly said to him.

"Oh, but me being a ladies man is?"

"At least I had one partner and didn't go throwing my dick in everyone's mouth."

Standing up he walked out of the room while Doctor Sun was walking in with the ice packs, "Well, now here are the ice packs. Would you like me to put them on you?"

Smiling towards Sun I grabbed the ice packs from him, "No, I don't want to piss off the main man even more than he is." Sun smiled at me and quickly left the room as I started to put the ice packs in various places of my body that gave me the most relief.


Quickly falling asleep and as soon as my eyes closed I got sucked into a dream where I quite literally fell into a black hole.

Blinking my eyes awake I stood up in an open meadow and looked around in amazement at the flowers that grew as quickly to maturity as they popped out of the ground. Is my dream fast-forwarding? Walking around I suddenly bumped into a giant black wolf that seemed to mirror my own movements. Huh, how crazy she looks like my wolf when I shift. The wolf in front of me growled with huge canines that carried saliva dripping down the fangs. Oh god, that is me. Stepping a couple steps back the fur on the wolf started to stand as I stepped back; stepping on a twig the wolf took that as a sign of aggression and lunged towards me. Quickly blocking the attack with my arms she clamped down on both of them causing a scream from me from the pain that she just caused me. Panting I forced my arms apart to open her jaw as wide as it'll go and forced her to break away from me. Now, I am getting pumped up for this. Looking at her I was analyzing how this fight could go since I knew my own strengths and weaknesses. Groaning I dug around my pockets and found a sharp knife, why do I have a knife? Looking at the snarling beast in front of me I took my own cue and when she lunged for me I plummeted the knife into her stomach causing a great howl of pain. Flipping on top of her, tears started to spill as I grabbed the knife and plunged it into her heart. Seeing the life from her eyes leave so quickly cause me a great deal of pain, "It's okay..."

Waking up with a bolt I started panting from my dream while also covered in sweat. What in the world does this mean? Do I kill her? 

"Hey, are you okay in there?" Silence, "Uhh, Kaiya, are you okay?" I called my wolf out from the reaches of my mind.

"Hey! Gipsy, what in the world was that dream? I started freaking out." she suddenly popped into my head and I breathed a sigh of relief.

"I don't know what that dream was, but it has to mean something. I've never had a dream like that before and I'm going to figure it out even if it kills me."



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