Chapter Seventeen

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Chapter Seventeen

Running through the damp forest and feeling a heavy thump every time my feet hit the ground. Panting quickly while the faster I ran the more tired I suddenly became as my wolf was trying to resist me right now. Grunting I forced her to keep running as I felt how tired she was becoming, but I needed to to continue. This really sucks. I need to get a better understanding of why this is happening to me.

Finally making it back to the castle I was really worried as to why Brandon would do this and even more if it was true. There was a clear witness and a man who also knew about this. He said heads will roll when Jax finds out and I honestly could not be more worried than I am right now. It makes me anxious knowing what he will do to his lifelong best friend. Will he keep him in the dungeons for questioning? Will he keep him there forever? Or will he kill him? The last question I didn't even want to find out because of the answer was scaring me. 

Changing back into my human form I felt my wolf back off to go rest herself while I changed into more comfortable clothes and as I walked along the concrete up to the one of the entrances I noticed how much I was wringing my hands on the shirt I was wearing. Taking a deep breath I walked quickly towards Jax's office which is where he would most likely be. Going up to the door I took one last deep breath and knocked on it, hearing a noise on the other side I went into his office and he looked so good, but so tired. Gulping down my nervous energy I sat down across from him and licked my lips lightly.

"Hey, Jax..." I hesitated, "Um, I got some information on the Rogues."

His eyebrow quirked up and he sat down his paper with the pen he was holding and looked towards me, his somehow sharp eyes seemed to pierce through me, "Oh, yeah? Tell me, love."

Feeling my stomach flip and kept doing somersaults while I looked at him, "Brandon."

He looked confused, "Brandon? What about him? Did he catch the traitor?"

Shaking my head, oh my God I was nervous, "N-no, Jax, the traitor is Brandon. He lets them in, and he knows when you're about to spy on it because he is the traitor. It could've only been him..." I trailed off and every emotion that Jax could ever have played in his eyes. Suddenly from his eyes his face played that very emotion he was feeling, and it was anger. He was angry.

He took a deep breath to steady himself and looked at me, "You're sure about this?"

"Jax, he was the only one in those meetings, in our meeting. There's also a witness who wishes to remain anonymous," I leaned towards him while I spoke softly. I put my hand gently on his and he took his hand away harshly as if I stung him. Taking my hand back from him, I didn't know if I hurt him or his best friends betrayal hurt him even more.

"Fine. We will go to him and also launch an investigation on him before I throw him in the dungeon to then interrogate him," he launched himself up from the chair and started hastily walking out of the room.

Following him to wherever he was going and I realized he wasn't going out of the castle, but rather he was going to the library. Interesting. Brandon was sitting at one of the library tables with some books splayed out with him writing notes, and as he looked up his face got worried as Jax stalked towards him angrily. Jax grabbed the table and pushed it to the side of him, grabbing Jax's shirt and held him against him, "How dare you? How dare you be a traitor against your King?"

Brandon gulped, "I don't know what you're talking about, man."

Jax pushed him up against the bookshelf with a loud thump causing the books to shift slightly against the weight of Brandon, "Don't lie to me, Brandon. You are a snake," he gritted out between his teeth.

Brandon whipped his head towards me, "Did you tell him this? Did you just turn my best friend against me? My Alpha and my King?"

Jax grabbed his head and forced it towards him while growling lowly, "Don't you speak to her like that. If you speak to her like that again I will put you six feet under, pup."

Brandon growled at the insult of being called a pup and pushed Jax off of him, "C'mon man, I wouldn't do that to you! We've run our pack together for forever!"

Jax pushed him into the bookshelf, making the books wobble even more, "Don't you fucking call it 'our' pack. It is my pack. It is my world. I am the King, and you would do well to remember that," Brandon's jaw tensed and he huffed out a breath, and Jax grabbed him by the neck, "Get down, Brandon,"

Brandon hesitated longer than he should have, "Fuck you, Jax," he spit on his shoes. Oh no.

Anger flared through Jax and I could sense him tense as he grabbed Brandon, throwing him to the ground and putting his now wet shoe on his throat, "I'm sorry, only my wife can fuck me. Now if you don't mind me, I'm going to put your mate up for sale since her mate is worthless."

His eyes got wide, "How did you know I found her?"

He grinned while leaning down towards him, "I have eyes and ears everywhere. Her name is Jennie, isn't it? Jennie is going to have a lonely life unless you impregnated her yet."

Brandon moved quickly against his shoe and grabbed Jax's leg forcing him to fall slightly. My eyes widened and I sprung into action grabbing Brandon by chest and put all my weight on him forcing him to the ground. He thrashed against me and I wrapped my legs around his, separating them and putting him in a chokehold holding him tightly. He continued to wiggle around trying to find a way to escape. Jax walked towards us with his hands behind his back and looked down upon us, "Well, well, well, looks like my little dove caught you," he smirked.

Grabbing him by the shirt I let him go reluctantly, and Jax started to hull him off to the dungeon and I could hear him start to yell already. Did Jax really meant what he said about Brandon's mat? I hope not, or that would be despicable.


A few hours later I was sitting in the kitchen eating some ice cream from the carton, sighing into my ice cream spoonfuls at a time. Jax walked into the kitchen with some blood covering his fingers, grabbing the soap and washing it off his hands I swallowed my last spoonful of ice cream.

"So, uh, how is it?"

Jax cocked an eyebrow at me, "Sad. He won't really admit to being a traitor, but some of his answers are making it a bit more believable that he is. Which makes me really upset in him. I still don't understand his motive. He's had everything, he even found his mate and now he won't have her and she won't have him."

"Were you being truthful when you said you would sell her?" I was scared to ask this question. It made me nervous to even question his motives from time to time.

"No, not at all. I was trying to make him scared. I would never do a woman that way, let alone someone's mate. He would probably commit suicide or die while his mate is whisked off somewhere else to be raped and abused by another man, anyway," he looked sad while he was drying off his hands. What an interesting take he has...



Alpha Jax - UPDATING!!Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora