CH 4: First Day

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Ember's POV 10 Years Later

I patted my dragon's head, "Alright Rain let's go!"

She took off lifting into the sky. I spread my arms out wide enjoying the mid morning sun.

"Let's have some fun before I have to go to training!" I shouted excitedly grunting a little.

She crooned happily as she rose into the clouds soaring higher and higher.

"You know Rain I don't understand why I have to go to training. I have you and the best way to learn is on the job. The other kids will just make fun of me anyway!" I yelled.

I unclipped myself from the saddle and stood up surf style.

"Ready?!" I asked almost jumping with excitement.

She growled nervously.

"It'll be fine!" I insisted.

I leapt off the saddle folding my arms and diving towards the ground. Rain folded her wings diving next to me letting out a whistle. She reached out a paw tapping me on the shoulder spinning me.

"Very funny!" I snorted with laughter.

She grinned showing her gums.

She twisted around and I climbed back on the saddle. We pulled up before reaching the ocean.

"I guess we have to head back..." I groaned.
Rain growled annoyed turning back to Berk.

"We'll come back out later I promise." I patted her head.

She landed in front of the arena and I climbed off. She nudged me worriedly.

"I'll be fine. Go play with Storm!" I said scratching underneath her chin before she ran off.

I walked through the gates to see everyone standing there as my mother spoke.

She reached out to smack behind my head and I ducked.

"You're late!" She growled jokingly.

"Yeah sorry! Rain and I went out flying!" I argued back.

Bufflout, Ruffnut's and Snotlout's boy snorted, "She shouldn't even be here! It's practically cheating!"

"Ember needs to learn how to control her dragon as much as you need to know how to train one!" My mother exclaimed glaring at Bufflout.

"I know exactly how to control Rain thank you very much!" I crossed my arms.

"This is different! Here you'll learn about training dragons on whole different levels!" My mom explained.

"Ember already trained a Night Fury so does that disqualify her or something?!" Bufflout asked rudely.

"You got something against Night Furies Bufflout?!" I sneered.

"Oh I've got-"

My mom clapped her hands together, "Anyways! Today we'll start with the Gronckle! Now at the end of the training you'll receive your own dragon! But to pass you must train a dragon!"

I sighed agitated as my mother pushed the lever releasing the dragon. The other kids ran around dodging the dragon while I just stood there.

"What's the first thing you need?!" My mom asked.

"You could use a-"

"A shield!" Bearlegs shouted.

"If you had a choice between a sword and a shield take the shield!" My mom shouted.
I crossed my arms frowning. "You're making this harder than it has to be Mom!"
The Gronckle noticed me and charged me. I stood my ground and held out my hand. The dragon stopped staring at me cautiously. He or she crept forward sniffing my hand. Finally the dragon put its head into my hand and the kids cheered.

"Way to go Ember!" My mom cheered.

Bufflout scowled, "Easy for her. Lucky."

"Can I leave now?" I asked and my mother nodded.

I ran out of the arena whistling for Rain. She landed beside me and I got on.

"Let's go girl!" I shouted and she took off into the air.

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