CH 15: Peace at Last

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Ember's POV

He raised the staff higher and higher ready to deliver the final blow.


A plasma blast hit Drago in the chest and he fell into the water just floating there.

I looked around to see Rain with smoke streaming from her mouth as she breathed.

"Rain!" I shouted calling her over.

She shook her head clearing the smoke and gave me a gummy smile.


The Bewilderbeast was closing in on me angry that his master was killed or just unconscious forgetting that Toothless was the alpha. I scooted back trying to get away.

The Bewilderbeast opened its mouth letting the ice shoot out. I turned my head away.

Ice. Lots of ice.

Hiccup's POV

I sat against a tree staring at the scar that was on my chest. Toothless was watching me protectively. He licked my wound and it healed me. I was astonished.

His ears perked up as his head turned back to the village. He growled gesturing his head towards the village.

I stood up climbing on, "Let's go!"

He leaped into the air beating his wings and landed on the docks in front of a spot covered in spikes of ice. I ran forward and noticed Drago floating in the water, dead or unconscious. Ember and Rain were nowhere to be found.


They're in the ice.


I pounded on the ice furiously trying to break them out.

Suddenly the ice glowed a brilliant blue. I backed up and stared at the ice.

It exploded sending ice shards everywhere.

Ember's POV

The ice exploded causing me to finally notice Rain standing over me protectively. She roared at the Bewilderbeast her spine glowing icy blue like Toothless's. The Bewilderbeast returned the roar.

Rain looked at me with an encouraging gummy smile before leaping into the air giving the dragon a cold hard stare.

She fired a plasma blast and the Bewilderbeast twisted its tusk trying to hit her. Rain continued to fire plasma blasts waiting for the right moment to deliver the final blow.

"What is she doing?!" I asked.

My father put his hands on my shoulders from behind, "She's protecting you!" He paused for a moment taking it all in. "Toothless won't be the alpha anymore after this!"

"Why not?!" I wondered.

"Look at her spine!" He pointed out.

The Bewilderbeast roared opening his mouth wide ready to shoot ice. Rain was faster and fired a plasma blast into his mouth. Fire spread in his mouth and ready to explode. Rain landed on top of shoving me to the ground protecting me. Toothless jumped on my father also protecting him.

The explosion lasted for a good five minutes I would say until Rain and Toothless finally lifted their wings. Dad and I stood up looking around. People were coming out from underneath their dragons' wings.

Good. They're safe.

Nothing was left of the Bewilderbeast except his other tusk lay on the shore. Rain was still breathing heavily from the battle her spine glowing blue. I went up to her and calmed her down.

Toothless walked up and bowed his head. The other dragons followed his example bowing to the new alpha. She raised her head and roared at the sky in victory. They all followed.

I touched her head with mine, "You never seize to amaze me girl. Thank you..."

She purred in response.

My dad nudged me, "You did good Ember."

"Thanks I guess. Rain here did the real work!" I exclaimed.

He looked back in the water. Drago's body was nowhere to be seen. Probably burnt and in pieces.

I looked around smiling with pride.

This is Berk. Life here is amazing. We just beat Drago again. I almost died, like twice. Nothing will stop us from bringing peace to the world. And bit by bit we will change everything. Because we have...DRAGONS!

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