CH 11: Date

630 21 1

Ember's POV

I sat at the breakfast table with my parents poking at my stew.

"What's wrong?" My mother asked.

I raised my head, "I don't have to go back to training do I?"

She stiffled a laugh, "That's what you're worried about?! No you don't have to go back! I was going to take you out of it as soon as you got back that one day anyway!"

I sighed with relief, "Thank Thor!" I stood up abruptly. "Well I got to go!"

My father asks, "Where are you going?!"

"Uh...flying with Eli!" I stuttered running out the door.

I hopped on Rain and we took off heading for Itchy Armpit.

I patted Rain's head, "What do you say girl?! Want to try it again?!"

She growled.

"Yeah yeah." I said unclipping myself from the harness.

I jumped from the saddle back flipping off enjoying the wind.

"WOOOOHOOOO!" I cheered.

"EMBER! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!" Eli shouted.

I had Rain push me around and I saw Storm and Eli diving beside us. Rain flipped over and I clipped myself on pulling up again.

"Oh hey!" I shouted over the wind. "I was just diving with her!"

"You're crazy you know that!" He yelled smiling.

I nodded and returned the grin. We landed on Itchy Armpit and dismounted our dragons. I sat on the edge dangling my feet over and Eli joined me grabbing my hand.

"What was training like when I was gone?" I asked him.

"Chaotic. Without you there to train the dragons almost instantly it was insane. No one knew what to do really. Your mother had us read the Book of Dragons and that really helped me. I've even asked your dad for tips. Then I progressed and got to train the dragon. They used Storm hoping he would finally get a rider and wouldn't be so lonely. As soon as he came out I immediately felt the connection. He did too because he tackled me to the ground and licked me all over." Eli explained laughing at the end.

I joined him clutching my stomach.

"What have you been doing?" He asked me his eyes searching for an answer.

"I've been going to Drago's fort destroying his ships. It's been pretty interesting because he still hasn't figured out that it's me and I'm alive. Rain moves too fast for him to recognize her. I have my helmet so he can't see my face. It's really funny watching him yell at his men. I've fought the Bewilderbeast a few times trying to get it on my side but it won't budge." I murmured worriedly.

He put his hand on my shoulder, "It'll be okay. We have Toothless. Nothing can stop him!"

"I know but it just worries me. I should go back to the fort soon. Check on things. Make sure he doesn't try to come after Toothless again." I said looking out at the sea stacks.

"You can't keep going there. Someday you'll get yourself killed. You can't go on for much longer. This has to end. We need to defeat Drago once and for all." Eli said.


Bushes rustle behind us. Our dragons growl. I stand up igniting my fire sword quickly pushing my mask down. Men rushed from the trees; Drago in the lead.

"Drop your weapons riders!" He hissed.

"No!" I yelled muffled through my helmet.

"You!" He sneered.

He made a movement with his fingers. A tree rustled and an arrow came flying out at me. I stood frozen in fear. The arrow pierced through my chest and I dropped to the ground.


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