CH 12: Near Death Experience

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Hiccup's POV

I paced in front of my house, worried.

"Would you stop pacing?!" Astrid demanded.

"They've been gone all day! They should be back by now!" I yelled.

Astrid looked up. "There they are!" Her face hardened. "Something's wrong!"

I ran forward as the two dragons landed. Ember was laying on Rain's back an arrow in her chest. Eli gently picked her up bridal style and carried her over.

"What happened?!" I demanded shouting a little.

"Drago and some of his men found us on Itchy Armpit. Once he realized that she was the one destroying his ships one of his men shot her!" He explained looking down at her pale face.

"Bring her into the house! Astrid go get Gothi!" I ordered following Eli into my house.

He gently laid her on the table.

I leaned over my daughter, "Okay Ember if you can hear me this is going to hurt. A lot."

I grabbed the arrow with both hands and yanked it hard. She screeched in pain as Gothi and Astrid pushed through the door.

Ember's POV

A bright white light surrounded me. Oh no. I'm dead.

"Am I dead?" I asked out loud.

Fog swirled around me as a large silhouette appeared with a red beard and red hair topped with a viking helmet and an axe strapped onto his back.

"No but you are very close." The man said.

"Grandpa Stoick?!" I asked my jaw dropping.

He let out a small chuckle, "Yes young one. You were pierced by one of Drago's arrows."

I looked down, "I know. I couldn't move, I was frozen in fear."

He put his large hand on my shoulder, "It's okay Ember. You'll be okay now." He let go standing up straight. "You must return now. Go to your family and your dragon."

I nodded slowly taking it all in, "I'll miss you!"

He disappeared after saying, "You must have strength and trust..."

Eli's POV

It's been six days since Ember almost dying again. She hadn't woken up yet. I'm starting to get worried, so is Rain. Neither of us had moved from her bedside. Not even Storm has moved. Toothless won't budge either, he just lays on the rooftop worried for his friend.

I closed my eyes hoping to get some sleep.

Ember's POV

I groaned blinking my eyes open trying to sit up.

I looked over to see Eli fast asleep. I shook my head smiling.

Rain raised her head and rushed forward licking my face.

"Yeah yeah thank you. I missed you too girl." I murmured.

Storm croons happily.

"Thanks boy but would you wake up your rider for me?" I whisper.

Storm purrs flicking Eli with his tail.

He shoots up, "Storm! I told you to wake me if she woke up not to play games!"

I stiffled a laugh, "Thanks for noticing!"

His eyes grow wide as he turns around to face me. He rushed forward squeezing me in a hug.

"Ow!" I yelped.

"Oh sorry. Right your chest..." He pulled away cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

"Come here you!" I grabbed the collar of his tunic kissing him on the lips.

I pulled away when I heard someone come on the steps with an uneven step.


"In here!" Eli called his cheeks bursting with heat.

My dad opened the door, "What's going-Ember!!!!!"

He ran forward and gave me a small hug careful of the chest and pulled away.

"How are you feeling?!" He asked sitting on the bed.

"My chest hurts. A lot. Stupid arrow." I muttered. "What happened?"

Eli replayed the story, "We were at Itchy Armpit and you got shot by an arrow because Drago showed up. I took you back and your dad pulled it out l. You screamed in pain. The whole village heard it. Ever since that it's been a ghost town. No one has really done anything."

"But I've only been out for a day..." I trailed off looking at my dad.

"You've been out for six days Ember..."


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