CH 14: War

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Ember's POV Few weeks later

It's been a few weeks now and I'm all healed up and ready to fly.

The horn blew.

Three times.

Great. Just great.

Perfect timing Drago. NOT.

I rushed out the door and jumped on Rain heading for the cliff. Hundreds of ships were docked at the shore. Toothless landed beside me and the other riders flanked my dad and I.

"Our goal is to destroy those ships! Ember and I will handle the Bewilderbeast if it comes out!" He ordered. "Good luck!"

Men swarmed the village and vikings met them.

The battle began.

Rain leaped into the sky diving at a ship letting out a whistle. She barrel rolled firing at three ships hitting them all at once.

Toothless, Storm, and Sunrise flanked us following our lead; barrel rolling hitting ships all at once.

Sunrise flew alone with no rider and it saddened me.

I turned my thoughts back to the battle.

Ships were being destroyed. I smiled. We were winning.

The ocean rumbled revealing the Bewilderbeast. Its single tusk stuck out like a sore thumb. It was angry.

Toothless roared glowing blue brighter than ever and fired a plasma blast at the dragon.

"Eli!" I yelled. "Take Sunrise and cover our backs! We'll handle this!"

He nodded leading Storm and Sunrise towards the ships once again.

Rain fired a plasma blast at the monstrous sized dragon. Toothless fired another and another until it finally bowed down to Toothless.

Drago screamed in frustration.

"SHOOT! THEM! DOWN!" He ordered. "KILL! THEM!"

Arrows were aimed at us. I gulped in fear. Rain and Toothless snarled revealing their razor sharp teeth.

The first arrow flew right at my dad.

"DAD!" I yelled.

Toothless tried moving out of the way but the wind seemed to carry it right into my dad's stomach. He slid off the saddle diving towards the ground.

"SUNRISE!" I yelled diving for my father.

Hopefully she was able to catch Toothless.

Rain caught my dad in her paws and carried him over to the village setting him down gently. I glanced back to see Sunrise carrying Toothless over and dropped him. He ran over to his rider and picked him up tossing him on his back.

"Toothless what are you doing?!" I demanded.

I ran over to the saddle to see my dad still conscious and grabbed his hand.

"" His eyes closed.

"Dad?" I croaked.

Toothless growled for me to back up and he took off running into the woods.

What the?

I jumped on Rain's saddle fuming with rage. She took off towards the docks where Drago was waiting. I got off igniting my fire sword pointing it at Drago.

"You're alive?!" Drago asked, shocked.

I nodded, "Very much so. You see..." I started waving around my sword. "I don't die easily. When you shot me down causing me to crash in the water my dragon pulled me out. When you shot me with an arrow I was saved."

He blinked at me angrily.

"You have been warned: you have unleashed the hell of Berk. You have unleashed the rage and the hell that's inside of me! Prepare to die!" I yelled charging Drago.

He ducked to my blow and elbowed me in the gut. I doubled over but I lashed out cutting him on the arm. He grunted in frustration and pain shoving me causing me to fall to the ground dropping my sword.

Rain growled.

He pointed his staff at my throat. I reached for my sword but he stepped on my wrist.

"You picked the wrong side!" He hissed raising his staff.

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