CH 5: Discovery

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Ember's POV

"Most pointless day of my life!" I screamed falling back on Rain's saddle.

Fifteen years old. Riding a Night Fury. And I have to go to the Academy.

Rain growled menacingly.

I sat up, "Rain, what is it?!"

She dove down below the clouds and hovered there. I peered over and saw hundreds of ships with a crest I didn't recognize. Large diameter bubbles were popping on the ocean.

Oh no.

"Rain come on! We have to warn Berk!" I turned Rain around heading back towards Berk.

"Shoot them down!" Someone yelled.

Oh no.

A bola wrapped around Rain and me causing us to crash on the lead ship. Rain struggled with the ropes and I tried breaking us free.

A large man covered in scars and a dragon skin cloak stepped forward pushing his men out of the way.

"Who are you?!" The man asked.

Rain growled.

"You fools! This isn't the alpha! This is another....Night Fury...." He exclaimed turning to his men. "Tie them up! Chain the dragon! We'll use it as leverage!"

They pinned Rain down shackling her and held me back.

"No! Let me go!" I demanded.

The man stepped forward again, "Who are you?!"

"I can't believe you don't recognize me! Who are you?!" I shouted.

"Who am I? I am Drago Bludvist! I alone can control the dragons!" He yelled slamming his staff into the ship.

I gasped, "I've heard stories about you! You tried taking control of all the dragons but Hiccup and Toothless stopped you! Toothless is the alpha!"

"Where'd the Night Fury come from?!" He demanded.

"She's my dragon! If you hurt her I'll kill you myself!" I shouted.

Drago smiled evilly walking away as I watched Rain be dragged away to a cage.


"Send a letter to Hiccup!" Drago shouted. "Tell him we have the Night Fury and the girl!" He turned back to me and I glared into his eyes. His eyes widened and he turned to his men. "Tell Hiccup we have his daughter!"

Hiccup's POV

I paced back and forth in front of the Great Hall. A viking past me.

"Have you seen my daughter?!" I demanded and he shook his head.

A Terrible Terror was coming in from the horizon. I could make out its small shape as it flew around Berk. It laid its eyes on me and flew in my direction. The dragon landed on my shoulder and I pulled the piece of paper from its leg. I opened it.

We have the Night Fury with the blue on its scales and your daughter. Bring the alpha and you'll get them both back.

I gasped and ran off to find Astrid. I found her in the arena.

"Hiccup I need to talk to you! Ember did so- what's wrong?!" Astrid asked.

I took a breath, "Drago. Has. Ember. And Rain."

"WHAT?! I THOUGHT HE WAS DEAD!" Astrid screamed.

"Nope. He wants Toothless." I said grimly.

Astrid kicked a wooden chair.

"So what did you want to tell me?!" I asked.

"Ember she did great today! She just stood there waiting for the Gronckle to notice her and she held out her hand! She trained a dragon!" Astrid exclaimed but then sighed.

"We'll get her back I promise!" I put a hand on her shoulder. "If it's the last thing I do!"

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